Pinned issues
- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#41 opened by renovate - 1
[Feature Request] Provide a sort mechanism to define render order of marks
#24 opened by roch-numbered - 1
- 0
Lists do not work with Styles properly
#178 opened by arick-mounts - 2
Issue passing client components on Next.js v14.*
#174 opened by mitchuman - 5
PortableText Typescript Error
#71 opened by donhook - 1
Marks Not Rendering
#130 opened by johnstonbl01 - 1
- 2
Nested Lists?
#69 opened by ColbyMay - 0
unknownBlockStyle is not working / does nothing
#116 opened by kodeebo - 4
- 1
Issues using with Nextjs and tailwind
#94 opened by hawlinbuttzbbq - 0
[Feature request] Add a component wrapper prop
#90 opened by selbekk - 1
- 2
Anchored Headings for Portable Text
#52 opened by 58bits - 6
- 4
- 2
Cannot render embedded image
#72 opened by ImranSefat - 1
Custom objects with children portable text objects are rendered as plain blocks
#29 opened by dbanisimov - 3
Version 2.0.1 breaks backwards compatibility
#60 opened by EECOLOR - 7
TypeScript usage?
#5 opened by selbekk - 3
cannot override types block
#18 opened by dukemai - 1
Usage with Preact getting error: Type 'Element' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode'.
#23 opened by karltaylor - 3
- 4
- 1
Can't get item position a list
#39 opened by buildtheui - 3
Can't do custom components
#37 opened by fostimus - 9
- 1
ReactServerComponentsError when using with Dynamic Routing in Next.js 13.4 App Router configuration
#66 opened by SeeYangZhi - 1
Can't Get Component to work
#65 opened by nickwild-999 - 7
- 14
Can't import the named export 'LIST_NEST_MODE_HTML' from non EcmaScript module (only default export is available)
#7 opened by JGuest777 - 5
Feature request: Tables
#25 opened by r3nanp - 11
- 2
Named export 'LIST_NEST_MODE_HTML' not found.
#35 opened by tim-vw - 1
Type Guard
#30 opened by sjblurton - 1
Does not currently work with React Native.
#13 opened by frippera - 8
- 9
- 2
- 5
Unknown block type "undefined", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop
#22 opened by damian-guh - 0
Components documentation
#16 opened by pedrobernardina - 3
How to target p paragraph elements
#15 opened by MartinConde - 3
Does not work with lists
#14 opened by davincios - 2
- 2
- 4
- 2
Typescript errors
#4 opened by aorsten - 5
PortableText components prop
#3 opened by Christian-Garrison