
MongoDB Target for NLog

Primary LanguageC#


Writes NLog messages to MongoDB.

Build status

NuGet Version

NuGet Version


The NLog.Mongo library is available on nuget.org via package name NLog.Mongo.

To install NLog.Mongo, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package NLog.Mongo

More information about NuGet package avaliable at https://nuget.org/packages/NLog.Mongo

##Development Builds

Development builds are available on the myget.org feed. A development build is promoted to the main NuGet feed when it's determined to be stable.

In your Package Manager settings add the following package source for development builds: http://www.myget.org/F/loresoft/

##Configuration Syntax

  <add assembly="NLog.Mongo"/>

  <target xsi:type="Mongo"
    <!-- repeated --> 
    <field name="String" layout="Layout" bsonType="Boolean|DateTime|Double|Int32|Int64|String"  />
    <!-- repeated --> 
    <property name="String" layout="Layout" bsonType="Boolean|DateTime|Double|Int32|Int64|String"  />


###General Options

name - Name of the target.

###Connection Options

connectionName - The name of the connection string to get from the config file.

connectionString - Connection string. When provided, it overrides the values specified in connectionName.

###Collection Options collectionName - The name of the MongoDB collection to write logs to.

cappedCollectionSize - If the collection doesn't exist, it will be create as a capped collection with this max size.

cappedCollectionMaxItems - If the collection doesn't exist, it will be create as a capped collection with this max number of items. cappedCollectionSize must also be set when using this setting.

###Document Options

includeDefaults - Specifies if the default document is created when writing to the collection. Defaults to true.

field - Specifies a root level document field. There can be multiple fields specified.

property - Specifies a dictionary property on the Properties field. There can be multiple properties specified.


###Default Configuration with Extra Properties

####NLog.config target

<target xsi:type="Mongo"
  <property name="ThreadID" layout="${threadid}" bsonType="Int32" />
  <property name="ThreadName" layout="${threadname}" />
  <property name="ProcessID" layout="${processid}" bsonType="Int32" />
  <property name="ProcessName" layout="${processname:fullName=true}" />
  <property name="UserName" layout="${windows-identity}" />

####Default Output JSON

    "_id" : ObjectId("5184219b545eb455aca34390"),
    "Date" : ISODate("2013-05-03T20:44:11Z"),
    "Level" : "Error",
    "Logger" : "NLog.Mongo.ConsoleTest.Program",
    "Message" : "Error reading file 'blah.txt'.",
    "Exception" : {
        "Message" : "Could not find file 'C:\\Projects\\github\\NLog.Mongo\\Source\\NLog.Mongo.ConsoleTest\\bin\\Debug\\blah.txt'.",
        "Text" : "System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\\Projects\\github\\NLog.Mongo\\Source\\NLog.Mongo.ConsoleTest\\bin\\Debug\\blah.txt' ...",
        "Type" : "System.IO.FileNotFoundException",
        "Source" : "mscorlib",
        "MethodName" : "WinIOError",
        "ModuleName" : "mscorlib",
        "ModuleVersion" : ""
    "Properties" : {
        "ThreadID" : 10,
        "ProcessID" : 21932,
        "ProcessName" : "C:\\Projects\\github\\NLog.Mongo\\Source\\NLog.Mongo.ConsoleTest\\bin\\Debug\\NLog.Mongo.ConsoleTest.exe",
        "UserName" : "pwelter",
        "Test" : "ErrorWrite",
        "CallerMemberName" : "Main",
        "CallerFilePath" : "c:\\Projects\\github\\NLog.Mongo\\Source\\NLog.Mongo.ConsoleTest\\Program.cs",
        "CallerLineNumber" : "43"

###Complete Custom Document

####NLog.config target

<target xsi:type="Mongo"
  <field name="Date" layout="${date}" bsonType="DateTime" />
  <field name="Level" layout="${level}"/>
  <field name="Message" layout="${message}" />
  <field name="Logger" layout="${logger}"/>
  <field name="Exception" layout="${exception:format=tostring}" />
  <field name="ThreadID" layout="${threadid}" bsonType="Int32" />
  <field name="ThreadName" layout="${threadname}" />
  <field name="ProcessID" layout="${processid}" bsonType="Int32" />
  <field name="ProcessName" layout="${processname:fullName=true}" />
  <field name="UserName" layout="${windows-identity}" />

####Custom Output JSON

    "_id" : ObjectId("5187abc2545eb467ecce9184"),
    "Date" : ISODate("2015-02-02T17:31:20.728Z"),
    "Level" : "Debug",
    "Message" : "Sample debug message",
    "Logger" : "NLog.Mongo.ConsoleTest.Program",
    "ThreadID" : 9,
    "ProcessID" : 26604,
    "ProcessName" : "C:\\Projects\\github\\NLog.Mongo\\Source\\NLog.Mongo.ConsoleTest\\bin\\Debug\\v4.5\\NLog.Mongo.ConsoleTest.exe",
    "UserName" : "pwelter"