
my emacs configuration

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Emacs configuration

Usage notes


  • To just use what you typed even if it's not a match according to selectrum (e.g. for making new files and directories with similar names to existing ones), just up <up> after you type it, and you can select it like any other candidate.


  • Use M-x straight-pull-package to upgrade a package,including repositories like MELPA. (There's also straight-pull-all)
  • Use M-x straight-get-recipe to get whatever straight is going to use for a package copied to the clipboard
  • The straight lockfile is straight/versions/default.el
  • Use M-x straight-freeze versions to write the lockfile, M-x straight-thaw-versions to restore what's being used to the versions in the lockfile


  • When creating a new branch, you almost always want to use b s ("new spinoff") rather than b c or b n, since b s assumes you want to base your new branch off of the current branch


  • Use C-; to interactively correct the next misspelled word