
This is a common library who use AT commands to do anything. eg: call, send SMS message, connect to MQTT broker, and use GPS..

Primary LanguagePython


This is a common library who use AT commands to do anything. eg: call, send SMS message, connect to MQTT broker, and use GPS..

Esta es una librería común que usa comandos AT para hacer cualquier cosa. por ejemplo: llamar, enviar mensajes SMS, conectarse al broker MQTT y usar el GPS.

Actions/Acciones 🚀

2-Call to...
3-Send SMS to...
5-Ring off
6-Connect to broker MQTT
7-Publish message in a topic
8-Suscribe to a topic
9-Disconnect to MQTT
10-Turn On GPS
11-Get Location
12-Turn Off GPS _

2-Llamar a...
3-Enviar mensaje a ...
6-Conectar a broker MQTT
7-Publicar mensaje a topico
8-Suscribirse a topico
9-Desconectar MQTT
10-Conectar GPS
11-Obtener Ubicacion
12-Apagar GPS _

Autor ✒️

  • Augusto Portillo - Trabajo Inicial - portisk8