
dev.toolBox | A web to centralize those quick tool pages regarding Code & UX/UI Design!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to dev.toolBox

An SPA, react.js based, to display and centralize some of the most handy design and code tool websites when it comes to quickly get started on your projects by fetching url data information to display them in a responsive web

Technologies & Dependencies

This are the main technologies and dependencies that where used to bring this app to life!


The are several reason on why choosing react.js for this project, but the main ones are the component reusability, react's JSX extended syntax for HTML, and the high performance reinforced by the Virtual DOM.

Custom Hook

Along with the API, a custom react hook was instanced to call the information looping the array from webUrls.js file.


The easy integration for production-ready components with the react.js environment made MUI the main styling library for this SPA project.