
Work performed in Machine Learning and Segmentation during Spring 2020 with Pratt Fellows Program

Primary LanguageHTML

"# Spring-2020-Badea-Pratt-Fellows" #Matt Kleiser project This repo includes: Files for the pipeline convert_image.py: takes center slice of nifti and makes it a jpeg downsample.py: downsamples a nifti by 50%, also has commented out code for picking out individual slices error.py: contains the formulas for reading a csv with data and creating error Neuroglancer Files csv.py: combines two csv files by either placing two files next to each other or on top of one another (can specify in program) image_disp.html: page used to just display photos in a database my_page.html: page used to show Neuroglancer with simple interface (currently totally manual) neuroglancer_use.docx: instructions for Neuroglancer The RARE_nifitis and RARE_masks folders