
source code for my blog

Primary LanguageVue


My personal blog implementing the Classify theme of Farbox, written with Nuxt3

I do this because Farbox is not longer updated and maintained, but my blog needs to do so


  • RSS feed at /feed
  • Markdown
  • Mathjax
  • i18n
  • Archive group by year
  • giscus comment system
  • plausible analytics
  • neodb.social collections


Edit Config

In nuxt.config.ts, input your host

Add Your Content

  • Categories are dirs under content folder
  • Articles are under categories whose filenames end with .md

An example article:

date: 2015-02-04 20:31
status: public
title: Your Title

You content goes here

Make status private will hide your article

  • Images should be put under public


vercel, netlify, self made image with Dockerfile, you name it.