
Generate drum kits from audio files

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Generate drum kits from audio files

Script tries to guess drum type from its file name e.g. SD_ClHat_Gentle.flac is Closed Hi Hat (MIDI note 42), SD_Snare_Transistor.flac is Snare (MIDI note 38) and so on. Regular expressions are in config.py.

wavescan recursively goes through wav/flac/aif samples in provided with -d directory and prints text config for importing into

Speedrum Lite is limited by 16 MIDI notes with numbers 36-51 (36-67 in full version). Debug messages are printing to stderr.


python 3.9+ with couple of modules

pip install audiofile
pip install Jinja2


scan directory tree for samples, store LSP config in 'dk909.cfg'

wavescan -d /audio/H2/Roland_TB909Kit/ --lsp > dk909.cfg

print debug messages and add comments to config (-D), also respect LSP limits (--limit) with max 48 instruments and 8 samples per each

wavescan -d /audio/Drums/KITS/KIT_TECH/ --lsp -D --limit > SFZ_TECH.cfg

use MIDI channel 10 instead of default 1

wavescan -d /audio/Drums/BespokeLiveDrums/Electric/ --lsp --channel 10

if it's unknown hi-hat, use 150ms duration to decide if it's open or closed

wavescan -d /audio/Drums/BespokeLiveDrums/Electric/ --lsp --maxhh 150

print SFZ soundfont

wavescan -d /audio/Drums/my/ --sfz > ~/Music/SFZ/my.sfz

the same but with extended midi key syntax

wavescan -d /audio/Drums/my/ --sfz --sfz-mk > ~/Music/SFZ/my.sfz

make Speedrum Lite bank

wavescan -d /audio/Drums/my/ --speedk -D > ~/Music/Speedrum/my.allowedspeedk

make Speedrum bank

wavescan -d /audio/Drums/my/ --speedkit -D > ~/Music/Speedrum/my.speedkit

one direct out for all drums (separate outs by default)

wavescan -d /audio/Drums/my/ --speedk --one-out

do not mute/disable additional layers, by default only the first one is enabled

wavescan -d /audio/Drums/my/ --speedkit --no-mute