`as.janno()` expects "Individual_ID" instead of "Poseidon_ID"
TCLamnidis opened this issue · 4 comments
TCLamnidis commented
> names(output_janno)
[1] "Poseidon_ID" "Collection_ID" "Country"
[4] "Site" "Location" "Longitude"
[7] "Latitude" "Date_C14_Labnr" "Date_BC_AD_Start"
[10] "Date_BC_AD_Stop" "Date_BC_AD_Median" "Date_C14_Uncal_BP"
[13] "Date_C14_Uncal_BP_Err" "Date_Type" "Nr_Libraries"
[16] "Capture_Type" "UDG" "Library_Built"
[19] "Damage" "Nr_SNPs" "Endogenous_DNA"
[22] "Contamination" "Contamination_Err" "Group_Name"
[25] "Genetic_Sex" "MT_Haplogroup" "Y_Haplogroup"
[28] "Source_Tissue" "Genotype_Ploidy" "Data_Preparation_Pipeline_URL"
[31] "Coverage_on_Target_SNPs" "Genetic_Source_Accession_IDs" "Primary_Contact"
> output_janno %>% poseidonR::as.janno()
Error in check_if_all_mandatory_columns_present(x) :
The janno file lacks the following columns: Individual_ID
> output_janno %>% dplyr::rename("Individual_ID" = "Poseidon_ID") %>% poseidonR::as.janno()
## Does not complain about that specific issue with my output_janno
> packageVersion("poseidonR")
[1] ‘0.7.0’
nevrome commented
I can not reproduce that 🤔.
Can you check what poseidonR:::janno_mandatory_columns
gives you? When and how did you install the package?
TCLamnidis commented
I followed the instructions on the website (using remotes::install_github
). Updating the package was the first thing I tried, when I got the error.
> poseidonR:::janno_mandatory_columns
[1] "Individual_ID" "Group_Name" "Genetic_Sex"
TCLamnidis commented
I just realised that although packageVersion
says 0.7.0
my RStudio package list actually says 0.5.0
Not sure how that has happened.
TCLamnidis commented
forcing reinstallation of the package and detaching/reattaching seems to have fixed this issue.