
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Note Taker


Table of Contents


The user jsut needs to enter in the applications heroku url, and it will be able to work properly.


This application allows a user to create a note, which contains at title and a body, and lets them save it. This save doesn't save it to the local storage. Instead, it reads from a json file. When the save button is clicked on, the get route is run, which reads the file, then adds new json, and then re-writes the file. The delete route does the same thing except will find a specific id that was given to a note, then deletes that note before re-writing the file again. These routes are all created by using express.js and node.js. The javascript utilizes jquery ajax calls in order to get the correct path.


The user goes to the notes page and starts saving and deleting notes as they need. The notes they enter will always stay.

Credits / Contributing

If anyone would like to provide a contribution, they just need to contact me so I can add them to the github repository.


I tested this application through trial and error.


If you have any questions:
Contact through GitHub: poserposer13
Contact through email: seankempf13@gmail.com


This project is covered under the MIT license.

