Java client for rate-limiter-service
- Light weight (only 7 classes)
- Easy to use
- 2 dependencies:
- The consuming service does not need to concern itself about rate limiting logic.
- All the consuming service needs is basically:
POST /rates '{"id":"login", "rate":"6/m"}'
GET /permits?id=login
- Automated deployment to cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, GCP, etc. (COMING SOON)
rest controller
import io.github.poshjosh.ratelimiter.client.RateLimiterServiceClient;
public class MessageController {
private final RateLimiterServiceClient rateLimiter =
new RateLimiterServiceClient("http://localhost:8080");
public ResponseEntity<String> greet(HttpServletRequest request) {
rateLimiter.checkLimit(request, "messages.greet",
"6/m", "web.request.header[X-RATE-LIMITED] = true");
return ResponseEntity.ok("Hello World!");
The above class is equivalent to the below, where we are rate limiting on site.
rest controller
public class MessageController {
@Rate(rate = "6/m", when = "web.request.header[X-RATE-LIMITED] = true")
public ResponseEntity<String> greet(HttpServletRequest request) {
return ResponseEntity.ok("Hello World!");