Install project

Run server

bundle exec jekyll serve


Simply commit your changes to master and GitHub will build and serve the updated site.

Add workers

Add a bio in this format to _workers:

name: Jane Worker
start_date: 2018-05
This is Jane's bio.

Add clients

Add a client in this format to the _data/clients.yml file:

- url: ""
  name: Client Name
  image: "logo_client.gif"

Put the logo in the img directory. Images should be very small and greyscale -- 65 px tall, max.

Add testimonials

Add a testimonial to the _testimonials directory in this format:

client_name: Company name
project_name: or Specific Project
person: Antonio Client
title: CEO
Enthusiast endorsement of Position Dev!

Edit the rest of the index

The "mission" section is in the file.

The rest of the sections are currently hardcoded into the template, _/layouts/home.html.

How CSS works

The minify_css.rb plugin in the _plugins directory minifies the CSS in styles/style.css and stores it in You can then use it in a style tag. This is to maximize the PageSpeed speed score by inlining critical CSS.

If the CSS gets too large, we may need to handle this differently.

This is not currently live because Github Pages doesn't allow custom plugins.