
I have created this repository to share my code for 2D numerical solving of Navier stokes equations (incompressible flow); although it will take a little time for me to completely update the repository

Primary LanguageMATLAB


I have created this repository to share my code for 2D numerical solving of Navier stokes equations (incompressible flow); although it will take a little time for me to completely update the repository.

This repository is related to a video on my youtube channel which shows example outputs from my code;

I have (for now) excluded part of the code which allowed for time variant velocity boundary conditions [as seen in examples 6 and 7 of the above youtube video] as that part of the code,and involved equations, were extremely difficult to put into context (with the rest of the code) when I was writting comments for the code; so I had to leave it out due to time constraints but I will look to add it back in later when I get enough time.

Refer to "Readme.pdf" (in this repository) for details