
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


By Gryphon and Rook Inc..

DBModel is a wrapper to simplify requests to CoreData. The goal is to mimic the syntax used in Ruby on Rails for interacting with the database.


Each Entity defined in CoreData should inherit from DBModel. DBModel defines common methods to retrieve objects.


Class methods that return a single object are:

  • find(predicate: Where)
  • findByKey(key: String, withValue: value)
  • findByKey(key: String, withValue: value)
  • findByPredicate(predicate: Where)
  • findOrCreateByPredicate(predicate: Where, byKey key: String, withValue value:String)
  • findOrCreateByKey(key: String, withValue value:String)
  • CreateByKey(key: String, withValue value:String)

Class methods that return an array of results are:

  • none() - returns an empty array
  • all() - returns all objects with the default sort order
  • allWithSort(order: SortOrder) - returns all objects with specific sort order
  • query(predicate: Where) - returns objects matching predicate with the default sort order
  • query(predicate: Where, withOrder order: SortOrder) - returns objects matching predicate with specific sort order

Entities can override the defaultSortOrder() method to specify how queries should order results.


Helper class to define complex queries by passing in a dictionary and containing an array of NSPredicates. As well as chaining complex queries together. Sibling values in a dictionary are automatically chained via an Or predicate. Whereas sibling keys are chained by an And predicate.

Class Methods include:

  • init() - creates new instance with no searchPredicates defined
  • init(terms: [String:[AnyObject]]) - creates new instance with searchPredicates defined by dictionary. Where.init(terms: ["remoteID":[142, 158]])

Instance Methods include:

  • search() - returns a NSCompoundPredicate of type .AndPredicateType for all searchPredicates added to the instance.
  • byPredicate(predicate: NSPredicate) - appends a custom predicate to the searchPredicates defined for the instance.
  • whereByKey(key: String, withValue value: [AnyObject] - appends additional predicates to the searchPredicates defined for the instance. Where.init().whereByKey("status", withValue: ["Active", "Conditional/Pending", "For Sale"])
  • whereNotByKey(key: String, withValue value: [AnyObject] - appends additional predicates to exclude keys that match given values to the searchPredicates defined for the instance. Where.init().whereNotByKey("status", withValue: ["Active", "For Sale"])


Helper class to define custom sort orders via a dictionary. Allows setting as many sort objects as necessary.

Methods are:

  • init(terms: [String:String]) - creates an instance defining an array of NSSortDescriptors. SortOrder.init(terms: ["price":"Desc", "lastUpdatedAt":"Asc"])
  • sort() - returns the array of NSSortDescriptors on an instance.


MIT License. Copyright 2015-2016 Gryphon and Rook Inc. http://gryphonandrook.com

You are not granted rights or licenses to the trademarks of Gryphon and Rook Inc.