
A gem that simplifies query objects

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Gem Version


This gem provides additional functionality on your query objects. It will filter and paginate your query by supplying arguments directly from controller params


# Pagination
gem 'kaminari'
gem 'will_paginate'

# Query Object
gem 'queryko'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install queryko


Create a query object

class ProductsQuery < Queryko::Base
  feature :created_at, :min
  feature :created_at, :max
  feature :price, :min
  feature :price, :max
  feature :name, :search, as: :name
  feature :vendor, :search, as: :vendor
  feature :id, :after, as: :since_id
  feature :id, :batch, as: :by_ids

Using your query object

Filter your query by appending _min or _max on your defined attributes. You can also filter results by attribute with your defined feature.

# Collection
products = ProductsQuery.new(price_min: 100, price_max: 150, name: 'Milk').call
products = ProductsQuery.new(since_id: 26).call

# Count - Counts items on current page. Default page is 1
products = ProductsQuery.new(created_at_min: 'Jan 1, 2019').count
products = ProductsQuery.new(name: 'Bag').count

# Total Count - Counts all items matching defined conditions
products = ProductsQuery.new(created_at_min: 'Jan 1, 2019').total_count
products = ProductsQuery.new(name: 'Bag').total_count

Object Methods

  • count - Returns the filtered count including pagination filter or the size of return object.
  • total_count - Returns the overall count of the filtered total records.


Products.count        # 21 rows
query = ProductsQuery.new(page: 5, limit: 5)

query.count           # 1
query.total_count     # 21


Override these methods to customize pagination limits


def upper_limit
  20 # default is 100

def lower_limit
  5 # default is 10

def default_limit
  10 # default is 50


Custom Filters

Create a custom filter class using Queryko::Filters::Base

class Filters::CoolSearch < Queryko::Filters::Base

  # Optional.
  # Some `options` keys are reserved for basic functionality
  # Use `options` to get data from feature definition
  def initialize(options = {}, feature)
    super options, feature

  # Required. This method is called by query object. Always return the result of
  # the collection
  def perform(collection, token, query_object)
    collection.where("#{table_name}.#{column_name} < ?", "Cool-#{token}")

Then add the filter class to your Queryko::Base object

class QueryObject < Queryko::Base
  filter_class :cool_search, CustomFilters::CoolSearch
  # or
  filter_class :cool_search, "CustomFilters::CoolSearch"

  feature :name, :cool_search
  # the :name will be scoped using params[:name_cool_search]

Other available options

Option description
since_id retrieves records after id
page page to retrieve

File structure

You are free to structure your query objects and custom filters. Or group them in one folder

└─ queries/
   ├─ filters/
   │  └─ cool_search.rb
   ├─ products_query.rb
   └─ query_base.rb


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/neume/queryko. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.