
Use PHP's serialization methods from Ruby.

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby PHP Serializer

Build Status

This module provides two methods: PHP.serialize() and PHP.unserialize(), both of which should be compatible with the similarly named functions in PHP.

Basic usage:

require 'php_serialize'
PHP.serialize({'foo' => 'bar'}) #=> "a:1:{s:3:\"foo\";s:3:\"bar\";}"
PHP.unserialize('a:1:{s:3:"foo";s:3:"bar";}') #=> {"foo"=>"bar"}

PHP.unserialize can also read PHP sessions, which are collections of named serialized objects. These can be reserialized using PHP.serialize_session(), which has the same semantics as PHP.serialize(), but which only supports Hash and associative Arrays for the root object.


TJ Vanderpoel, initial PHP serialized session support.

Philip Hallstrom, fix for self-generated Structs on unserialization.

Edward Speyer, fix for assoc serialization in nested structures.

Original Author: Thomas Hurst tom@hur.st, http://hur.st/ WWW: http://www.aagh.net/projects/ruby-php-serialize