
Game prototype I made for Ludum Dare 45.

Primary LanguageGDScript


This is a game I made for Ludum Dare 45 (theme: start with nothing). In the game, you are a homeless who is collecting recyclable materials in order to make some money. Each day you start with nothing in your cart, and walk along the street collecting stuff. A tower of materials forms in your cart and you have to speed up (right arrow) or slow down (left arrow) to balance it and prevent it from falling apart.

Tip: Just press the right arrow repeatedly from time to time in order to balance the tower and increase speed.

I made the game using Godot. The font I used is "pixelated" by Greenma201. You are not deaf, the game has no sound really. And I drew these amazingly beautiful graphics myself using inkscape... :D


Ludum Dare post: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/45/collect-recyclables

Play it on itch.io: https://possatti.itch.io/collect-recyclables