
Provides a small package of debugging utilites, especially a better var_dump-alternative

Primary LanguagePHP

jas Debug-Package

Provides a small package of debugging utilites, especially a better var_dump-alternative


Add this line to your composer.json "require" section:


    "require": {
       "jas/debug": "*"


Even without xdebug you now can output a smart display of any PHP-Value.

jas\debug\Dumper::dump($var/*, ...*/);

You can pass as much arguments to the Dump-Method as you like. By default it outputs an HTML-Version of the PHP-Object. When you pass an int bitmask (see Dumper-Constants) as last parameter, you are able to get a Text-Only version (with or without <pre> around) as output or returned.

On-The-Fly usage

You may use this package on-the-fly via this Gist: https://gist.github.com/possi/5792653

jas_dump($this, new stdClass(), array('foo' => 'bar'));

Planned Features

  • Test special dumper for SugarCRMs SugarBean
  • Add the ErrorHandler
  • especially with BackTrace-printer