
Color Differences using CIEDE2000

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Color Differences using CIEDE2000

color_diff.h implements the CIEDE2000 formula for the difference between reference and sample colors, specified in CIE-LAB, or via included conversions from sRGB or CIE-XYZ (D65 / 2 deg).

This header also implements the greedy heuristic described by Glasbey for generating a palette of visually distinguishable colors, by iteratively selecting a color maximizing the minimum CIEDE2000 distance from the colors already in the palette.

make_palette.cpp demonstrates use of these functions to generate such a palette of visually distinguishable colors. To use,

make_palette num_colors [config_file]

where num_colors specifies the number of colors to generate, and the optional text file config_file specifies minimum and maximum values of CIE-LCh(ab) lightness, chroma, and hue, followed by a list of sRGB colors, which may be interpreted as either an initial palette to be extended, or as a set of colors to be "avoided" when generating the palette. The default configuration is to allow all CIE-LCh(ab) values, starting with white:

0 100
0 150
0 360
255 255 255

The output is a list of the requested number of colors, one color per line, each specified by its minimum CIEDE2000 distance from the colors generated so far, followed by its sRGB values.


  1. Glasbey, C., van der Heijden, G., Toh, V., and Gray, A., Colour Displays for Categorical Images, Color Research and Application, 32(4) 2007, 304-309
  2. Sharma, G., Wu, W., and Dalal, E., The CIEDE2000 Color-Difference Formula: Implementation Notes, Supplementary Test Data, and Mathematical Observations, Color Research and Application, 30(1) 2005, 21-30