
A port of Melty Synth by Nobuaki Tanaka (C#) to Dart

Primary LanguageDartOtherNOASSERTION


DartMeltySoundFont is a SoundFont synthesizer (i.e. '.sf2' player) written in pure Dart.

It is a port of MeltySynth (C#, MIT License) written by Nobuaki Tanaka, to Dart.



This package has no dependencies.


Apart from breaking changes to the Dart language (rare), since this package has no dependencies it should work on any Dart SDK >=2.12 indefinitely. This package was written against Dart SDK 2.16.1.


Ssynthesize a simple chord:

// Necessary Imports
import 'package:dart_melty_soundfont/dart_melty_soundfont.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show rootBundle;

// Create the synthesizer.
ByteData bytes = await rootBundle.load('assets/akai_steinway.sf2');

Synthesizer synth = Synthesizer.loadByteData(bytes, 
        sampleRate: 44100, 
        blockSize: 64, 
        maximumPolyphony: 64, 
        enableReverbAndChorus: true,

// you might want to select the patchNumber & bankNumber
// of the instrument you want to play, if it's not 0.
// Look through synth.soundFont.presets[X].patchNumber & bankNumber
// for all valid instrument choices.
// Example for setting patchNumer:
// int patchNumber = synth.soundFont.presets[0].patchNumber 
// synth.processMidiMessage(
//  channel:0, 
//  command:0xC0, // 0xC0 = program changes
//  data1:patchNumber, 
//  data2:0
// );
// Example for setting bankNumber:
// int bankNumber = synth.soundFont.presets[0].bankNumber 
// synth.processMidiMessage(
//  channel:0, 
//  command:0xB0, // 0xB0 = control change
//  data1:0x00,   // 0x00 = bank select
//  data2:bankNumber,
// );

// Turn on some notes
synth.noteOn(channel: 0, key: 72, velocity: 120);
synth.noteOn(channel: 0, key: 76, velocity: 120);
synth.noteOn(channel: 0, key: 79, velocity: 120);
synth.noteOn(channel: 0, key: 82, velocity: 120);

// Render the waveform (3 seconds)
ArrayInt16 buf16 = ArrayInt16.zeros(numShorts: 44100 * 3);



  • No memory allocation in the rendering process.

  • Wave synthesis

    • SoundFont reader
    • Waveform generator
    • Envelope generator
    • Low-pass filter
    • Vibrato LFO
    • Modulation LFO
  • MIDI message processing

    • Note on/off
    • Bank selection
    • Modulation
    • Volume control
    • Pan
    • Expression
    • Hold pedal
    • Program change
    • Pitch bend
    • Tuning
  • Effects

    • Reverb
    • Chorus
  • Other things

    • Loop extension support
    • Performace optimization
  • MIDI file support.
// Create the synthesizer.
var sampleRate = 44100;
var synthesizer = new Synthesizer("TimGM6mb.sf2", sampleRate);

// Read the MIDI file.
var midiFile = MidiFile.fromFile("flourish.mid");
var sequencer = MidiFileSequencer(synthesizer);
sequencer.play(midiFile, false);

// Render the waveform (3 seconds)
ArrayInt16 buf16 = ArrayInt16.zeros(numShorts: 44100 * 3);



DartMeltySoundFont is available under the MIT license.
