PENDING 8-highlight unread notify msg 10-count in notify tab 11-control panel add biometrics 21-click on notify msg to view details. 22- SOLVED 1-Control Panel update header and also change in database which have data 1-add phone to order save list in base 999999999 | ----fun | ----nv 2-cancel order delete after 15days 2-add func name in base | ----fun | ----nv 4-login activity add then get data from base 5-control panel edit and remove data 6-Show orders username in one cardview into func(NO NEED) 7-delete when expired date order in notify fragment 9-tap to view the orders(NO NEED) 12-control panel to change head admin to send opt to new register in ADM. 13-Admin data can't in "Users-Id" and also in "Users-Id" data can't have in "Admin" in Both Register and Login. 14-store token in database to reciver adm token. 15-only header adm only have control panel for phone number to send admin 17-admin users list in control panel have rights for master admin 18-ADDED FIRE CRASH ANALYSIS. 19-bugs in adding data twice 20-only "Admin" primary=true have control panel visible. FAILED 16-hash map for phone number switch to true or false to upload in database.