This playbook deploys DBLab Engine Standard Edition (DBLab SE) to any environment, cloud or on-prem.
The HowTo guide can be found here: How to install DBLab Engine using the Console.
- You will need the
Org key
andProject name
from the platform. These are provided by the platform upon registration. You can find more details here.- Keep in mind that without specifying these values in the
variables, the Ansible Playbook will not be executed.
- Keep in mind that without specifying these values in the
- For deployment on an existing server:
- Debian 11, 12, or Ubuntu 22.04
- Root privileges or sudo access
- Data storage disk (which is larger than the size of the database)
- For deployment in one of the supported clouds:
- AWS: Access key ID and secret. Before performing automation, these values must be exported to the
variables, respectively. - GCP: Service account. Before performing automation, the contents of the service account JSON file must be exported to the
variable. - Digital Ocean: Personal Access Token. Before performing automation, this token must be exported to the
variable. - Hetzner Cloud: API Token. Before performing automation, this token must be exported to the
- AWS: Access key ID and secret. Before performing automation, these values must be exported to the
- Ansible version 2.11.0 and higher, or a Docker on the computer from which the automation is performed.
Variable | Description | Default value |
provision (optional) |
Determines in which cloud to deploy the DBLab Engine server. Available values: aws , gcp , azure , digitalocean , hetzner , none (skip creating server resources). |
none |
server_name (required) |
The name of server to be created. | "" |
server_type (required) |
The type of server to be created (the value depends on the selected cloud). | "" |
server_image (required) |
The system image for the server to be created (the value depends on the selected cloud). | "" |
server_location (required) |
The region in which the server will be created (the value depends on the selected cloud). | "" |
server_network (optional) |
If specified, the server will be added to this network (must be created in advance). By default, the server is added to the default network (the value depends on the selected cloud). | "" |
volume_size (required) |
The storage for zpool_disk (size in gigabytes). |
"" |
volume_type (optional) |
The volume type (the value depends on the selected cloud). Not applicable for Hetzner, DigitalOcean. | gp3 for AWS, pd-ssd for GCP |
ssh_key_name (optional) |
The name of the SSH key pre-uploaded to the cloud that will be added to the DBLab Engine server. If not specified, all ssh keys will be added (applicable for hetzner, digitalocean). | "" |
ssh_key_content (optional) |
if specified, the contents of the public key will be added to the cloud (for GCP - will be added to the server). | "" |
state (optional) |
'present ' to create or 'absent ' to delete server resources. |
present |
Note: if 'ssh_key_name' is not specified, with each new execution of the playbook, a new temporary SSH key is created (automatically filling in the values of variables 'ssh_key_name' and 'ssh_key_content'). To access the server during deployment. At the end of the deployment, the temporary SSH key is deleted.
Variable | Description | Default value |
ssh_public_keys (optional) |
These SSH public keys will be added to the DBLab Engine server's to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. Providing at least one public key is recommended to ensure access to the server after deployment. |
"" |
username (optional) |
The system user, owner of configuration files. | root |
zpool_disk (optional) |
Disk for the ZFS pool (e.g.: /dev/sdb). If the specified disk is not empty, the playbook stops with an error (data deletion protection). If not specified, an attempt will be made to automatically detect an empty volume. | "" |
zpool_name (optional) |
The name of the ZFS pool. | dblab_pool |
zpool_mount_dir (optional) |
The path to mount the ZFS pool. | /var/lib/dblab |
zpool_options (optional) |
Options used when creating a ZFS pool. | -O compression=on -O atime=off -O recordsize=128k -O logbias=throughput |
zpool_datasets_number (optional) |
The number of datasets that will be created for the ZFS pool. | 2 |
zpool_datasets_name (optional) |
Base name for ZFS datasets. Suffixes (01, 02, etc.) are appended based on zpool_datasets_number . |
dataset |
Variable | Description | Default value |
dblab_engine_version (optional) |
The DBLab Engine version. | 3.4.0 |
dblab_engine_ui_version (optional) |
The DBLab Engine UI version. | {{ dblab_engine_version }} |
dblab_engine_verification_token (required) |
The token that is used to work with DBLab Engine API. | some-secret-token |
dblab_engine_base_path (optional) |
The directory containing the DBLab Engine directories and the configuration files. | /root/.dblab |
dblab_engine_config_path (optional) |
The DBLab Engine 'configs' directory. | {{ dblab_engine_base_path }}/engine/configs |
dblab_engine_meta_path (optional) |
The DBLab Engine 'meta' directory. | {{ dblab_engine_base_path }}/engine/meta |
dblab_engine_logs_path (optional) |
The DBLab Engine 'logs' directory. | {{ dblab_engine_base_path }}/engine/logs |
dblab_engine_dump_location (optional) |
The dump file will be automatically created on this location and then used to restore. (if 'logicalDump' job is specified in server.yml). | {{ zpool_mount_dir }}/{{ zpool_name }}/dataset_1/dump |
dblab_engine_container_name (optional) |
The DBLab Engine container name. | dblab_server |
dblab_engine_container_host (optional) |
The IP address at which the 'dblab_server' container accepts connections. | |
dblab_engine_container_default_volumes (optional) |
Directories to be mounted in the 'dblab_server' container. | (see vars/main.yml ) |
dblab_engine_container_additional_volumes (optional) |
Additional directories or files to be mounted in the 'dblab_server' container. | [] |
dblab_engine_port (optional) |
The port at which the 'dblab_server' container accepts connections. | 2345 |
dblab_engine_image (optional) |
The 'dblab_server' container image. | postgresai/dblab-server:{{ dblab_engine_version }} |
dblab_engine_ui_image (optional) |
The dblab UI container image. | postgresai/ce-ui:{{ dblab_engine_ui_version }} |
dblab_engine_ui_port (optional) |
The port at which the dblab UI container accepts connections. | 2346 |
dblab_engine_clone_access_addresses (optional) |
IP addresses, from which clone containers accepts connections. | |
dblab_engine_clone_port_pool.from (optional) |
Pool of ports for Postgres clones. Ports will be allocated sequentially, starting from the lowest value. The "from" value must be less than "to". | 6000 , 6099 |
dblab_engine_config_file (optional) |
Copy the specified dblab configuration file instead of generating a new configuration file. | "" |
dblab_engine_preprocess_script (optional) |
Copy the preprocessing script file to '{{ dblab_engine_base_path }}/ ' |
"" |
Variable | Description | Default value |
platform_project_name (required) |
Platform Project name. | "" |
platform_org_key (required) |
Platform Organization key. | "" |
Variable | Description | Default value |
cli_install (optional) |
Install the DBLab CLI on the dblab server. | true |
cli_version (optional) |
The version of the DBLab CLI to be installed. | {{ dblab_engine_version }} |
cli_environment_id (optional) |
an ID of the DBLab CLI environment to create. | {{ platform_project_name }} |
Variable | Description | Default value |
joe_bot_install (optional) |
Install Joe Bot. | false |
joe_version (optional) |
The Joe Bot version. | 0.11.0-rc.4 |
joe_config_path (optional) |
The Joe Bot 'configs' directory. | {{ dblab_engine_base_path }}/joe/configs |
joe_meta_path (optional) |
The Joe Bot 'meta' directory. | {{ dblab_engine_base_path }}/joe/meta |
joe_image (optional) |
The Joe Bot container image. | postgresai/joe:{{ joe_version }} |
joe_container_name (optional) |
The Joe Bot container name. | joe_bot |
joe_container_host (optional) |
The IP address at which the 'joe_bot' container accepts connections. | |
joe_port (optional) |
The port at which the 'joe_bot' container accepts connections. | 2400 |
joe_platform_token (optional) | Platform API secret token. | platform_secret_token |
joe_communication_type (optional) |
Available communication types ("webui", "slack", "slackrtm", "slacksm") | webui |
joe_communication_signing_secret (optional) |
Web UI Signing Secret. | secret_signing |
joe_communication_slack_signing_secret (optional) |
Slack App Signing Secret. | secret_signing |
joe_communication_slack_access_token (optional) |
Bot User OAuth Access Token. | xoxb-XXXX |
joe_communication_slack_app_level_token (optional) |
App Level Token (for "slacksm"). | xapp-XXXX |
joe_communication_channels_channel_id (optional) |
Web UI channel ID. | {{ platform_project_name }} |
joe_communication_channels_project (optional) | Platform project. | {{ platform_project_name }} |
joe_dblab_params_dbname (optional) |
PostgreSQL connection parameters used to connect Joe to the clone (dbname). | postgres |
joe_dblab_params_sslmode (optional) |
PostgreSQL connection parameters used to connect Joe to the clone (sslmode). | prefer |
joe_config_file (optional) |
Copy the specified Joe Bot configuration file instead of generating a new configuration file. | "" |
Note: Joe Bot repository:
Variable | Description | Default value |
netdata_install (optional) |
Install the Netdata (netdata-for-dle) with plugin for DBLab Engine. | true |
netdata_version (optional) |
The image tag of the 'netdata' container. | 1.40.1 |
netdata_image (optional) |
The image of the 'netdata' container. | postgresai/netdata-for-dle:v{{ netdata_version }} |
netdata_port (optional) |
The port at which the 'netdata' container accepts connections. | 19999 |
Variable | Description | Default value |
proxy_install (optional) |
Install Envoy proxy and issue Let's Encrypt certificate. Used to provide public access to the dblab UI/API using an encrypted connection. | false |
proxy_dblab_engine_public_port (optional) |
The port on which the dblab UI is publicly accessible. | 443 |
certbot_install_method (optional) |
Controls how Certbot is installed. Available options are 'package', 'snap', and 'pip'. | pip |
certbot_install_version (optional) |
Certbot version (if 'certbot_install_method: pip'). | 2.6.0 |
certbot_create_if_missing (optional) |
Set certbot_create_if_missing to yes or True to let this role generate certs. | true |
certbot_create_method (optional) |
Set the method used for generating certs with the certbot_create_method variable — current allowed values are: standalone or webroot. | standalone |
certbot_auto_renew , certbot_auto_renew_user , certbot_auto_renew_hour , certbot_auto_renew_minute (optional) |
By default, this role configures a cron job to run under the provided user account at the given hour and minute, every day. The defaults run certbot renew (or certbot-auto renew) via cron every day at 03:30:00. | true , {{ username }} , 3 , 30 |
certbot_admin_email (required) |
Email to issue certificate, for example, |
"" |
certbot_domain (required) |
Domain to issue certificate, for example, |
"" |
Note: More 'certbot' variables see here.
Variable | Description | Default value |
print_usage_instructions (optional) |
Print the usage instructions after deployment. | true |
Note: More detailed information about the deployment is available here
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=*******
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=**********
docker run --rm -it \
postgresai/dle-se-ansible:v1.0 \
ansible-playbook deploy_dle.yml --extra-vars \
"provision='aws' \
server_name='dblab-server' \
server_type='m5.4xlarge' \
server_image='ami-0620ab203b0c70bc0' \
server_location='ca-central-1' \
volume_size='200' \
dblab_engine_verification_token='SMIgTlFeDdvs75Qg2GwfL18sCfyDf0O1' \
dblab_engine_version='3.4.0' \
zpool_datasets_number='3' \
ssh_public_keys='ssh-ed25519 AAAAC***' \
platform_org_key='***********' \
Note: Specify the username and IP address of your server in the dblab_host
docker run --rm -it \
-v $HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro \
-e ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-F none" \
postgresai/dle-se-ansible:v1.0 \
ansible-playbook deploy_dle.yml --extra-vars \
"dblab_host='root@' \
zpool_datasets_number='3' \
dblab_engine_version='3.4.0' \
dblab_engine_verification_token='super-secret-value' \
platform_org_key='***********' \
Note: In this example, we use $HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro
to mount a directory with SSH keys to access the server from the container. You can override this value so that only a specific SSH key (example $HOME/.ssh/my_key:/root/.ssh/id_rsa:ro
) is mounted into the container.
- Start by configuring the
record of your domain so that it points to the public IP address of the DBLab Engine server. - Define your domain in the
variable and the email address in thecertbot_admin_email
variable. - Execute the ansible-playbook with the
tag to install the Envoy proxy and to issue a Let's Encrypt certificate.
docker run --rm -it \
-v $HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro \
-e ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-F none" \
postgresai/dle-se-ansible:v1.0 \
ansible-playbook software.yml --tags proxy --extra-vars \
"dblab_host='root@' \
proxy_install='true' \
certbot_domain='' \
certbot_admin_email='' \
platform_org_key='***********'' \
Note: After you've set up your proxy server for clone access, you will need to specify the port by adding +3000
to it in your connection string. For instance, if your regular connection port is 6000
, you should use port 9000
for accessing your clone. This adjustment is necessary to ensure proper network connectivity via proxy server.
By default, every time the playbook is run, a new configuration file, named '.dblab/engine/configs/server.yml
', will be generated. If you wish to manage the DBLab server via automation (for instance, to update the version or modify the configuration), you can specify a configuration file (e.g., located on the server where the playbook is initiated) in the dblab_engine_config_file
variable. In this case, the content of this file will replace the configuration file. This can be particularly helpful for implementing CI/CD through your repository to manage the DBLab server.
docker run --rm -it \
-v $HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro \
-v /path/to/config:/root/config:ro \
-e ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-F none" \
postgresai/dle-se-ansible:v1.0 \
ansible-playbook software.yml --extra-vars \
"dblab_host='root@' \
zpool_datasets_number='3' \
dblab_engine_version='3.4.0' \
dblab_engine_config_file='/root/config/server.yml' \
platform_org_key='***********' \
Note: Replace '/path/to/config'
with the actual directory path where your configuration file is located. This path will be mounted into the Docker container, allowing the automation to access your configuration file.
Example of a repository that demonstrates a how to manage the configuration of the DBLab Engine using Git -
With DBLab Engine installed from Platform, guaranteed vendor support is included – please use one of the available ways to contact.