
A curated list of awesome things related to PostHTML

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Awesome PostHTML

A curated list of awesome things related to PostHTML



Name Status Description
posthtml-md npm Easily use context-sensitive markdown within HTML
posthtml-toc npm Table of contents
posthtml-lorem npm Add lorem ipsum placeholder text to any document
posthtml-retext npm Extensible system for analysing and manipulating natural language
prevent-widows npm Prevent widows from appearing at the end of paragraphs
posthtml-richtypo npm Process HTML node text with Richtypo


Name Status Description
posthtml-doctype npm Set !DOCTYPE
posthtml-head-elements npm Include head elements from JSON file
posthtml-include npm Include HTML
posthtml-modules npm Include and process HTML
posthtml-extend npm Extend Layout (Pug-like)
posthtml-extend-attrs npm Extend Attrs
posthtml-expressions npm Template Expressions
posthtml-inline-assets npm Inline external scripts, styles, and images
posthtml-static-react npm Render custom elements as static React components
posthtml-custom-elements npm Use custom elements
posthtml-web-component npm Web Component server-side rendering, Component as a Service (CaaS)
posthtml-spaceless npm Remove whitespace between HTML tags
posthtml-cache npm Add a nanoid to links in your tags
posthtml-highlight npm Syntax highlight code elements
posthtml-pseudo npm Add pseudo selector class names to elements
posthtml-noopener npm Add rel="noopener noreferrer" to links that open in new tab
posthtml-noscript npm Insert noscript content when JavaScript is disabled
posthtml-hash npm Hash static CSS/JS assets
posthtml-insert-at npm Append/prepend HTML to a selector
posthtml-plugin-remove-duplicates npm Remove duplicated tags
posthtml-plugin-link-preload npm Add preload/prefetch tags (or return equivalent headers)
posthtml-prism npm Code syntax highlighting with Prism
posthtml-url-parameters npm Add parameters to URLs
posthtml-safe-class-names npm Replace escaped characters in class names and CSS selectors
posthtml-fetch npm Fetch and render remote content
posthtml-mso npm Makes it easy to write Outlook conditionals in HTML emails
posthtml-postcss-merge-longhand npm Merge longhand inline CSS into shorthand
posthtml-markdownit npm Transform Markdown using markdown-it
posthtml-extra-attributes npm Add new attributes to elements in your HTML
posthtml-sri npm Adds subresource integrity (SRI) attributes.


Name Status Description
posthtml-bem npm Support BEM naming in html structure
posthtml-postcss npm Use PostCSS in HTML document
posthtml-px2rem npm Change px to rem in Inline CSS
posthtml-css-modules npm Use CSS modules in HTML
posthtml-postcss-modules npm CSS Modules in html
posthtml-classes npm Get a list of classes from HTML
posthtml-prefix-class npm Prefix class names
posthtml-modular-css npm Make CSS modular
posthtml-inline-css npm CSS Inliner
posthtml-collect-styles npm Collect styles from html and put it in the head
posthtml-collect-inline-styles npm Collect inline styles and insert to head tag
posthtml-style-expantion npm PostHTML plugin expand link rel="stylesheet".
posthtml-style-to-file npm Save HTML style nodes and attributes to CSS file
posthtml-color-shorthand-hex-to-six-digit npm Enforce all hex color codes to be 6-char long
posthtml-minify-classnames npm Rewrites classnames and ids inside of html and css files to reduce file size.


Name Status Description
posthtml-img-autosize npm Auto setting the width and height of <img>
posthtml-to-svg-tags npm Convert html tags to svg equivalents
posthtml-webp npm Add WebP support for images
posthtml-favicons npm Generate Favicons and add related tags
posthtml-inline-svg npm Inline svg icons in HTML
posthtml-inline-favicon npm Inline favicons in HTML


Name Status Description
posthtml-aria-tabs npm Write accessible tabs with minimal markup
posthtml-alt-always npm Always add alt attribute for images that don't have it
posthtml-schemas npm Add microdata to your HTML


Name Status Description
posthtml-shorten npm Shorten URLs in HTML
posthtml-uglify npm Shorten CSS in HTML
posthtml-minifier npm Minify HTML
posthtml-remove-attributes npm Remove attributes unconditionally or with content match
posthtml-remove-tags npm Remove tags with content match
posthtml-remove-duplicates npm Remove duplicate elements from your html
posthtml-transformer npm Process HTML by directives in node attrs, such as inline scripts and styles, remove useless tags, concat scripts and styles etc.
htmlnano npm HTML Minifier
posthtml-link-noreferrer npm Add rel="noopener" and rel="noreferrer" to all links that contain the attribute target="_blank"
posthtml-lazyload npm Add native lazyload attribute
posthtml-postcss-treeshaker npm Tree shake styles for classes and ids in style tag
posthtml-external-link npm Add rel="external noopenner nofollow" and target="_blank" to all external links


Name Status Description
posthtml-load-plugins npm Autoload Plugins
posthtml-load-options npm Autoload Options (Parser && Render)
posthtml-load-config npm Autoload Config (Plugins && Options)
posthtml-w3c npm Validate HTML with W3C Validation
posthtml-hint npm Lint HTML with HTML Hint
posthtml-tidy npm Sanitize HTML with HTML Tidy


Name Status Description
koa-posthtml npm Koa Middleware
hapi-posthtml npm Hapi Plugin
express-posthtml npm Express Middleware
electron-posthtml npm Electron Plugin
metalsmith-posthtml npm Metalsmith Plugin