
Checks very slow on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04 64bits version

Opened this issue · 7 comments

If I want to check chapters and verses on Windows it is very very slow, probably more than 20 minutes but only the first time. Then It's ok.
If I check punctuation, BB crashes always.

T1 WIN32 WAS defined in this build
T1 Command-line option --debug=0
T1 Liste des dossiers et autres chemins que nous connaissons :
T1 Run directory: 	C:\Program Files\Bibledit-4.16\editor\bin
T1 Executable name: 	bibledit-desktop.exe
T1 Package data: 	C:\Program Files\Bibledit-4.16\editor\share\bibledit
T1 Root: 	C:\Users\VB-COMPOSITION\.bibledit
T1 Projects: 	C:\Users\VB-COMPOSITION\.bibledit\projects
T1 Notes: 	C:\Users\VB-COMPOSITION\.bibledit\notes
T1 Stylesheets: 	C:\Users\VB-COMPOSITION\.bibledit\stylesheets
T1 Configuration: 	C:\Users\VB-COMPOSITION\.bibledit\configuration
T1 Pictures: 	C:\Users\VB-COMPOSITION\.bibledit\pictures
T1 Resources: 	C:\Users\VB-COMPOSITION\.bibledit\resources
T1 Scripts: 	C:\Users\VB-COMPOSITION\.bibledit\scripts
T1 User templates: 	C:\Users\VB-COMPOSITION\.bibledit\templates
T1 Temp: 	C:\Users\VB-COM~1\AppData\Local\Temp\bibledit
T1 Templates: 	C:\Users\VB-COM~1\AppData\Local\Temp\bibledit\templates
T1 Restore: 	C:\Users\VB-COMPOSITION\.bibledit.restored
T1 Path: 	C:\Program Files\Bibledit-4.16\editor\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Users\VB-COMPOSITION\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;
T1 Copy util: 	copy
T1 Copy recursive: 	xcopy /E/I/Y
T1 Move util:   	move /Y
T1 Remove util: 	del
T1 Rmdir util:  	rmdir /s/q
T1 Mkdir:       	mkdir 
T1 Diff util:   	C:\Program Files\Bibledit-4.16\editor\bin\diff.exe
T1 Tar util:    	tar
T1 Zip util:    	zip.exe
T1 Unzip util:  	unzip.exe
T1 gzip util:   	C:\Program Files\Bibledit-4.16\editor\bin\gzip.exe
T1 pdfviewer:   	 
T1 Any of these that are blank indicate that we have not worked on them yet!!!!!
T1 Git:         	
T1 bibledit_git 	
T1 Curl util:   	
T1 gobiblecreator:	
T1 bibledit_shutdown:	
T1 php-cli:      	
T1 texlive-xetex:	
T1 teckit_compile:	
T1 head:         	
T1 touch:        	
T1 osis2mod:     	
T1 cmdshell:     	
T1 tasklist:     	
T1 merge:        	
T1 bwoutpost:    	C:\Program Files\Bibledit-4.16\editor\bin\bwoutpost.exe
T1 BIBLEDIT_LOCALEDIR /mingw64/share/locale
T1 LANGUAGE      	LANGUAGE variable not specified
T1 LANG          	LANG variable not specified
T1 LC_ALL        	French_France.1252
T1 LC_CTYPE      	French_France.1252
T1 Ne peut trouver le programme "xetex". Isntaller le paquettexlive-xetexpour résoudre cela.
T1 Ne peut trouver le programme "php". Isntaller le paquetphp5-clipour résoudre cela.
T1 Finished booklocalizations
T1 Finished versifications, mappings, styles, and VCS
T1 Finished URLTransport
T1 Finished upgrade
T1 Set up window icon fallback
T1 Finished initialization...running gtk_main
T4 Command:  tasklist 
T4 Command:  "C:\Program Files\Bibledit-4.16\editor\bin\bwoutpost.exe" 
T1 Creating Stylesheet called 'Standard'
T1 Accès au serveur web :Could not connect: Aucune connexion n’a pu être établie car l’ordinateur cible l’a expressément refusée.
T4 Command:  tasklist 

I noticed too if I select all the books of the project it crashes, but I i unselect only one it works.

It is exactly the same with the tag validation (markers).

BB crashes also on Linux for punctuation checks.

OK for the crash I found the cause, it is markers who are not in the good place (lack of chapter one, or verses before c 1). I will test if it is also the cause of the slowness.

It seems there is also an error of encoding in the files. Then BB doesn't seem to be in fault. I close this issue.

Okay I understand, Issue reopened.
All the bible is in this archive, but if I remember me well, the problem is with Gn and 1MA 2MA.