Me exposing the new PSU 💀


If you didnt know yet, I got banned for apparently "nuking" the new PSU server. Ofcourse that is false I did ALOT for PSU such as let lorress (lorress is bitwise btw) sit on my pc coding for hours using anydesk (he cant on his as VS2019 doesnt install for some reason). To clarify he is a russian and so is his friend. He gave his friend the code to my anydesk so they could rat my pc. (Install a trojan). His official discord is Lorress#0541 and Bitwise#4908 the gay friend is S.mode#9723. It left me sad thinking bitwise just boom betrayed me for a russian dumbass and making a excuse. Extreme thanks to a bunch of people supporting me, getting themselves falsely banned for "supporting racism" (i have proof bitwise is a racist aswell). Also anyone wondering why I gave anydesk is cause bitwise couldnt code on his due to installing errors so yeah. There is too much to explain so check the folders in the github or whatever its called for more info and special thanks you the following people: tabby#1114 milfhunter#5506 procat#1679 Gas Mask#0600 Mimibienv#6007 Neron#6986 Mr. Birdz#8134 PRIVATE