
Utilities for Lightning Components in Visualforce


Now Archived and Forked

salesforce-ersa will not be maintained in this repository going forward. Please use, create issues on, and make PRs to the fork of salesforce-ersa located here.


In Greek mythology, Ersa is the daughter of Zeus who is the God of many things including Lightning.

In Salesforce, Ersa is a utility to easily show Lightning Components on a Visualforce Page.

Deploy to Salesforce

Why Should You Use This Library?

Loading Lightning Components onto Visualforce Pages is a tedious operation that requires copying and pasting lots of boiler-plate code. You also need to roll your own handlers for Standard Lightning Events, which adds to the boiler-plate.

This utility removes the boiler-plate and enables you to write code that only pertains to the program you are developing.

How to Use This Library

  1. Build a Lightning Component

  2. Create and Reference a Lightning Dependency App

  3. Add the following tags to your Visualforce Page

    1. <apex:includeLightning />
    2. <apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.Ersa}"/>
    3. <div id="hello-world-lightning-component"></div>
      • You should replace hello-world-lightning-component with a real id here
  4. Follow the pattern below to load the Lightning Component

    Ersa.uiTheme = '{!$User.UITheme}'; // tell Ersa which UITheme you are running in
    Ersa.lightningApp = 'c:HelloWorldApp'; // tell Ersa which Lightning Dependency App you created
    // Add Lightning Components to load
        {accountId: '{!Account.Id}'},
        'hello-world-lightning-component' // this is the id of the <div> you want the component put into
    Ersa.loadComponents(); // loads the components

Currently Supported Lightning Events

Ersa currently handles the following Standard Lighting Events

  • force:navigateToSObject
  • force:navigateToURL
  • force:refreshView
  • force:showToast


We welcome feedback and collaboration. If you see an area for improvement, feel free to send a pull request