
AfterShip Shipping (Postmen) API Client Library for CSharp (USPS, FedEx, UPS, DHL and more)

Primary LanguageC#


Via nuget

Just find the package postmen, and add it to your project.

Via source code.

git clone file

Then in your solution click in add a existing project, and select the clone one. Don't forget to add the reference in your project.


Quick Start

The following code list all the labels by API key.

using System;
using Postmen_sdk_NET;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq

namespace Postmen_sdk_NET
    class Test
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Just read the key from a file
            string key_sandbox = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"\\psf\Home\Documents\postmen_sandbox_key.txt");

            HandlerAPI handler = new HandlerAPI(api_key: key_sandbox, endpoint: "https://sandbox-api.postmen.com");
            // Get the resource 'labels'
            JObject result = handler.get(resource: "labels");


Get API object

Import postmen module and obtain API handler object. Pass a valid API key and region, or API key and endpoint.

HandlerAPI handler = new HandlerAPI(api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY', endpoint: "https://sandbox-api.postmen.com");

// Or using region (sandbox, production)

HandlerAPI handler = new HandlerAPI(api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY', region: "sandbox");

Make API calls

Common method to make API call (normally you shouldn't use it directly):

public JObject call(string method, string path, JObject body = null, string query = "", bool retry = true) {..}

HTTP-methods acces to direclty map API docs to SDK calls:

public JObject GET(string path, string query = "", bool retry = true) {..}

public JObject POST(string path, JObject body = null, string query = "", bool retry = true) {..}

public JObject PUT(string path, JObject body = null, string query = "", bool retry = true) {..}

public JObject DELETE(string path, string query = "", bool retry = truej) {..}

User-friendly API access methods:


 public JObject get(string resource, string id = "", string query ="", bool retry = true, bool safe = false) {..}


public JObject create(string resource, JObject payload, string query = "", bool retry = true, bool safe = false {..}


  • Delete/Cancel a resource -> inform resource (e.g. 'labels'), and the id of the element you want to cancel. docs
public JObject cancel(string resource, string id = "", string query ="", bool retry = true, bool safe = false) {..}

Apart from the common fields we always have:

  • query: By default is empty, is the query we send to the API, e.g. 'created_at_min=2015-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'.
  • retry: By default true, in case of error we will retry 4 times, to make sure there was not a network problem.

Dealing with JObject

As you can see, when you need to create a new element you will need to create a JObject, there are different ways of doing it, for example:

// Using dynamic JObjects (you will need to add the reference to Microsoft.CSharp)
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

dynamic element2 = new JObject();
element2.something = "second element"

//Using pure JObjects
JObject element1 = new JObject();
element1.Add("something", "first element");

//using string
string json = @"{something: 'first element's}"
JObject example1 =  JObject.Parse(json);


using System;
using Postmen_sdk_NET;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Postmen_sdk_NET
	class Test
		static void Main(string[] args)
			string production_key = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"\\psf\Home\Documents\postmen_production_key.txt");
			string account_dhl_production = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"\\psf\Home\Documents\postmen_production_account_key_dhl.txt"); 
			HandlerAPI handler_production_sandbox = new HandlerAPI(api_key: production_key, region: "production");

			JArray shipper_account =  new JArray();
			JObject shipper_account_element = new JObject();

			JObject address1 = JObject.Parse(@"{
				city: 'Los Angeles',
				state: 'CA',
				postal_code: '90001',
				country: 'USA'
			JObject address2 = JObject.Parse(@"{
				city:'Beverly Hills',
			JArray parcels1 = JArray.Parse(@"[
					description: 'iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014)',
					box_type: 'custom',
					weight: {value: 9.54, unit: 'kg'},
					dimension: {width: 65, height: 52, depth: 21, unit: 'cm'},
							description: 'iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014)',
							origin_country: 'USA',
							quantity: 1,
							price: {amount:1999,currency:'USD'},
							weight: {value:9.54,unit:'kg'},
							sku: 'imac2014'

			// Create rates
			dynamic request_data = new JObject();
			request_data.shipper_accounts = shipper_account;
			request_data.async = false;
			request_data.shipment = new JObject();
			request_data.shipment.ship_from = address1;
			request_data.shipment.ship_to = address2;
			request_data.shipment.parcels = parcels1;

			JObject result = handler_production_sandbox.create(resource: "rates", payload: request_data);

			// Access the status:
			string key_sandbox = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"\\psf\Home\Documents\postmen_sandbox_key.txt");

			HandlerAPI handler = new HandlerAPI(api_key: key_sandbox, endpoint: "https://testing-sandbox-api.postmen.io");
			result = handler.get(resource: "labels");





Release History

####2015-09-16 v0.0.2

  • Solving issues witht the Nuget package.

####2015-09-15 v0.0.1

  • Beta version


Copyright (c) 2015 Aftership
Licensed under the MIT license.