- 0
Archive the repository
#22 opened by zlatanvasovic - 6
Not Setting Environment
#21 opened by ichilton - 14
- 3
Add support for .ruby-version
#20 opened by esambo - 17
- 2
chgems for "global" gems?
#15 opened by fj - 8
- 2
- 4
presence of a .ruby-version file and chruby autoswitching is resetting and overriding chgems
#7 opened by memoht - 1
PGP asc URL 404
#6 opened by masonworks - 2
Errors encountered running in Ubuntu
#5 opened by aptinio - 0
- 4
Leave my PS1 alone!
#3 opened by namelessjon - 3
zsh: warning about `shift`
#2 opened by rstacruz - 3
No profile.d in Snow Leopard
#1 opened by rstacruz