
MATLAB wrapper for FFMPEG that implements a VideoReader-like interface

Primary LanguageMatlabMIT LicenseMIT


Matlab wrapper for FFMPEG that implements a VideoReader-like interface.


  • Constructor: vr = VideoReaderFFMPEG('test.mp4');
  • Additional arguments (optional):
    • tempFolder - path to save the temporary image files to (optional, defaults to ./)
    • FFMPEGpath - path to the ffmpeg and ffprobe binaries (optional, defaults to /usr/local/bin on osx/unix and C:\Program Files\ffmpeg\bin on windows)
    • imageFormat - image file format used to temporarily store frames (optional, defauts to tif)
  • Properties: Width, Height, NumberOfFrames, FrameRate, Channels
  • Methods:
    • read() with single frames or a range of frames [startFrame endFrame], e.g. vr.read([100 200]) reads frames 100 to 200, returns them as [WIDTH x HEIGHT x CHANNELS x NFRAMES] matrix
    • clean() deletes all temporary image files (automatically called upon object deletion)


vr = VideoReaderFFMPEG('test.mp4')  % open video file
frame10 = vr.read(10)               % read frame 10
frames100to200 = vr.read([100 200]) % read frames 100 to 200
vr.clean()                          % delete temporary image files after your done


  • uses ffprobe to get meta data
  • uses ffmpeg to export video frames as images which are loaded using matlab's imread()
  • tested using ffmpeg v2.5 and v2.6