"Getting Started with Stateflow" example files

Explore the models created in the "Getting Started with Stateflow" video.

  • model1_batteryFirst.slx - Model using the battery if there is any charge

  • model2_smartDecision.slx - Model using the battery only during peak hours, or when the signal from the Weather Detector indicates it has been sunny.

All models were created and saved in R2020b. If you are using an earlier release, do the following before opening any models:

(1) Click Preferences in the Home tab of the MATLAB toolstrip.

(2) In the Preferences dialog, select the Simulink pane and then click Open Simulink Preferences.

(3) In the Simulink Preferences dialog, select the Model File pane.

(4) Clear the "Do not load models created with a newer version of Simulink" option.

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