This project takes the output of ng create angular-example and adds the necessary software artifacts that enable a production grade deployment to Openshift. The container image deployed to Openshift is the output of the ng build command copied into a base Nginx image.
The build process is defined via a Jenkins pipeline definition. This pipeline definition has separate stages for checkout, test, lint, build and the final image build. All of these stages apart from the final image build stage are executed within the slave image (described later).
NOTE - an alternative source to image based approach is also available (see The following files are ONLY used with the source to image approach:
- .s2i/bin/assemble
- openshift/chained-s2i.yml
NOTE - there is a RHEL based jenkins pipeline branch, the output of the ng build --prod --build-optimizer
within the pipeline (or rather the ./dist
folder) is passed as the context to a s2i image build which uses the
builder image. The branch is called 'rhel'.
Locally this is easiest to achieve using Minishift
IMPORTANT - the minishift instance must be started using version 3.7 (the default is 3.6) of the Openshift Container Platform i.e. the commands that I used were
minishift setup-cdk
curl -O
tar -zxvf oc.tar.gz
cp oc ~/.minishift/cache/oc/v3.
minishift start --ocp-tag v3.7.9
oc login -u system:admin
oc tag --source=docker openshift3/jenkins-2-rhel7:v3.7 openshift/jenkins:2
oc login -u developer -p developer
The tag command ensures that the 3.7 version of the Openshift Jenkins image is used rather than one tagged latest (which can be a v3.6 image if a bug has been fixed in the 3.6 image for instance). The v3.7 version of the Jenkins image has a version of the pipeline plugin which supports the declarative syntax, v3.6 does not .
The majority of the code here is the output of
ng create angular-example
Normally in development locally you'd use ng serve which is a non-production grade webserver which compiles angular source code on the fly. See
and to understand production deployments see
Create the Jenkins pipeline definition in Openshift
oc create -f openshift/pipeline.yml
This will trigger the deployment of a Jenkins instance, wait until the resulting Jenkins pod is ready. Then access Jenkins via web browser using the URL of the route. The ng build
command requires nodejs 6.9 or higher, this means that we cannot use the default nodejs Jenkins slave provided with Openshift. Note that a package-lock.json has been committed to the repository this is generated by a ng build (this can be run locally rather than via jenkins) and should make the builds reproducable.
Add the JUnit Plugin to your Jenkins instance via Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins
To address this I have created a separate nodejs 8 based Jenkins slave image project
This slave image also includes Google Chrome which allows the ng test CLI goal (which requires Google Chrome) to be run. The resulting image is available in docker hub (the image is a bit big, feel free to create a custom image leaving out Google Chrome but note that the ng test
step will need to be removed as well)
This needs to needs to be setup as a kubernetes pod template. Navigate within Jenkins to '> Home > Manage Jenkins > Configure System' . Then right at the bottom there should be a button 'Add a new cloud', when pressed one of the options should be 'Kubernetes Pod Template'. Fill in the resulting fields in the same way as the existing maven and nodejs kubernetes pod templates apart from
- 'name' should be nodejs8
- 'label' should be nodejs8
You then need to add the container definition (click on the 'Add Container')
- 'Docker Image' should be
- fill in everything else identically to the maven and nodejs container fields.
Finally click on 'Advanced ...' button of the Kubernetes Pod Template (not the container advanced options) and make sure the Service Account is set to jenkins .
OPTIONAL - You can speed up the npm install -d
step by creating a persistent volume claim in Openshift and then adding it as a volume to the pod template in the Jenkins config, the volume should be mounted at /home/jenkins/.npm
We now need a binary build configuration to build the Nginx based image container that will serve the angular application
oc new-build .
NOTE the first build will fail because it is a binary build and binary input hasn't been provided.
Now we are ready for our first build of the pipeline
oc start-build angular-example-pipeline
The pipeline as it stand only builds an image, it does not deploy etc. We create the application via a resource definition
oc create -f openshift/application.yml
Then access the application via the resulting route. It should display a welcome page with the Angular logo.
See project issues.