$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -e .
Next, configure the environment variables for the Trino cluster you wish to connect to:
$ export TRINO_PORT=443
$ export TRINO_HOST="hostname"
$ export TRINO_USER="username"
$ export TRINO_PASSWORD="password"
$ export TRINO_CATALOG="catalogname"
$ export TRINO_SCHEMA="schemaname"
Now we can start flask
$ flask --app roleapi --debug run
Server now running on http://localhost:5000
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/role/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"role_name": "role_api_test_3", "privileges": [{"type":"UPDATE", "table":"datalake.manyrolestest.zwrul_3"}, {"type":"SELECT", "table":"datalake.manyrolestest.zwrul_3"}]}'
"grants": [
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "SELECT",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zwrul_3"
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "UPDATE",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zwrul_3"
"role": "role_api_test_3"
$ curl http://localhost:5000/role/role_api_test_3
"grants": [
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "SELECT",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zwrul_3"
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "UPDATE",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zwrul_3"
"role": "role_api_test_3"
$ curl http://localhost:5000/role/
"grants": [
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "SELECT",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zoefv_0"
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "SELECT",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zoefv_1"
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "SELECT",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zoefv_2"
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "SELECT",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zoefv_3"
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "SELECT",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zoefv_4"
"role": "zoefv_34_role"
"grants": [
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "SELECT",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zwrul_0"
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "SELECT",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zwrul_1"
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "SELECT",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zwrul_2"
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "SELECT",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zwrul_3"
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "SELECT",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zwrul_4"
"role": "zwrul_9_role"
$ curl -X PATCH http://localhost:5000/role/role_api_test_3 \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"privileges": [{"type":"DELETE", "table":"datalake.manyrolestest.zwrul_3"}]}'
"grants": [
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "DELETE",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zwrul_3"
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "SELECT",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zwrul_3"
"catalog": "datalake",
"privilege": "UPDATE",
"schema": "manyrolestest",
"table": "zwrul_3"
"role": "role_api_test_3"
$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/role/zoefv_34_role
zoefv_34_role dropped%