This project is unfinished and heavily work in progress.
An interactive Nuxt playground for learning Nuxt. Powered by Nuxt and WebContainers.
Inspired by learn.svelte.dev.
Live Streaming
Anthony Fu is doing regular live streaming on building this project from scratch. You can watch the recordings or join the live stream on YouTube.
Please create an issue first before submiting PRs. So that we can discuss about the directions and plans, to avoid wasted efforts. Thank you!
This project is progressed mainly on Live Stream. In general, we want to present the main progress on the stream so people can follow along the whole process. Contributions are still greatly welcome! For PR that makes refactors or big changes, we could review them on the stream as well.
To run this project locally, you need to have Node.js v20.0+ and pnpm installed.
After cloning the repo, run the following commands to install dependencies:
pnpm install
Then, run the following command to start the development server:
pnpm dev
The development server will be running at http://localhost:3000.
- Switch playgrounds on different guides
- Monaco editor and Volar
- File tree
- Verification for tutorial tasks
- Show Nuxt and Vue version from the container
- Add interactivity shell
- A basic editor
- Refactor logic from Vue SFC to composables
- Refactor to add Pinia
- Frame-to-parent communication
- Sync the basic style
- Buttons to restart server
- Open/close terminal panel
- Extract "playground injected" utils
- Download the project as zip