
Attempt at Administrative tool set with python

Primary LanguagePython


Attempt at Administrative tool set with python Author: Luisito M. Pena. Date: 4/16/16 Purpose: Attempt to create an all puprpose RAT; The goal is to have it run any any flavor and desktop known to GNU/Linux. Note: as of 4/16, I am binding a shell script to handle installing the programs needed to get this thing to work, like a VNC. This can change later. Very well then, here I go.

using pyxhook, All credit goes to original author

" Copyright (C) 2008 Tim Alexander dragonfyre13@gmail.com "

#Requirements python-xlib needs to be installed. This is a python2 lib. required by pyxhook Fedora 23+: dnf install python-xlib Redhat, Fedora -23: yum install python-xlib Debian/ubuntu based: apt-get install python-xlib Arch: pacman -S python2-xlib, In AUR there is a python 3 Port Gentoo : emrge --ask dev-python/python-xlib

The Xorg module libxcb-record.so needs to be enabled Fedora 23+ x86_64: /usr/lib64/libxcb-record.so enable in /usr/X11/xorg.conf

Lastly, Make the python module " Image " is installed.