Multiuser CLI BBS

Intro. to Network Programming, lectured by Chun-Ying Huang

In this project, I designed a Bulletin Board System(BBS) server. This program runs in single process and use select() to handle multiple connections (users). Client connect to the server by TCP connection, while chat with UDP connection and special packet form.


ubuntu 20.04
g++ 14

Program Structure



All exceptions are handled.


  • register <username> <password>
    Register with username and password.
  • login <username> <password>
    Login with username and password.
  • logout
    Logout account.
  • whoami
    Show your username.
  • list-user
    List all users in BBS.
  • exit
    Close connection.

Private Message

  • send <username> <message>
    leave message to a user.
  • list-msg
    list the message state of Message Box.
  • receive <username>
    Show the first message from , and pop the message.

Board and Post

  • create-board <name>
    Create a board which named <name>.

  • create-post <board-name> --title <title> --content <content>
    Create a post which title is <title> and content is <content>.

  • list-board
    List all boards in BBS.

  • list-post
    List all posts in a board named <board-name>

  • read <post-S/N>
    Show the post which S/N is <post-S/N>.

  • delete-post <post-S/N>
    Delete the post which S/N is <post-S/N>.

  • update-post <post-S/N> --title/content
    Update the post which S/N is <post-S/N>.

Chat Room

  • enter-chat-room <port> <version>
    Enter a chat room.
  • chat <message>
    send the messages by UDP packets.

message format (version 1)

 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 (bits)
|      flag     |    version    |
|         length of name        |
|                               |
+                               +
|                               |
+              name             +
|                               |
+                               +
|                               |
|       length of message       |
|                               |
+                               +
|                               |
+            message            +
|                               |
+                               +
|                               |
Field Name Size Description
flag 8 bits it must be 0x1
version 8 bits it must be 0x1
length of name 16 bits length of message in big endian
name strlen(name) * 8 bits
length of message 16 bits length of message in big endian
message strlen(message) * 8 bits

message format (version 2)

 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 (bits)
|      flag     |    version    |
|                               |
+                               +
|                               |
+                               +
|                               |
+                               +
|              name             |
+               +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|               |   separator   |
|                               |
+                               +
|                               |
+                               +
|                               |
+                               +
|            message            |
+               +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|               |   separator   |
Field Name Size Description
flag 8 bits its must be 0x1
version 8 bits it must be 0x2
name strlen(base64(name)) * 8 bits name encoded in base64
separator 8 bits it must be '\n'
message strlen(base64(message)) * 8 bits message encoded in base64
separator 8 bits its value is '\n'

chat history

When a user joins the public (enter-chat-room) chat room, the server should immediately encapsulate all messages in chat history in the format of <chat_history> and sends it to the client in the TCP connection.

content filtering

To keep our chat room a place filling with joy and happiness, some keywords should not be used. Below is the filtering list of those keywords. The server must mask each matched word in <message> sent by the chat command by replacing the word with a string of * characters of equal length.
Hard coded filtering list in C/C++ program file.