Framework for modal, vi-like keybindings for the awesome window manager.
- 16bitmoodChennai Mathematical Institute
- 4izy
- AndrewRadev@producthunt
- anechiporuk
- antares-meInfo-Expert
- AppServiceProviderDhaka, Bangladesh
- basaran
- blueyedFreelancer, up for hire
- chaitb@makenotion
- chazdkyLexington, Ky
- ChrisCochrun
- ckp95
- comploplo
- D1mon
- DarksecondMicrosoft
- dit7yaShores of Inifinity
- dixslyfEarth
- Elv13Google
- emdeeeksThe World
- floyza
- jechasteenDayton, Ohio, US
- kenkeiras@Peris-Digital
- marukerDarmstadt
- mistical2008Russia
- mova
- noahfrnLondon, UK
- Ph4ntomasNowhere
- potatgun
- psymbio
- shkm@shkm
- snide@xataio
- sverclMinnesnowta
- Theory-of-Everythingheap
- tjdevries
- vikdotdevHive
- wsdjegChina