
A simple approach to multi-shot solving with clingo

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A simple approach to multi-shot solving with clingo


multiclingo solves multiple times a logic program. Given an input program P, it computes stable models as follows:

  • In step 0, it computes a stable model M(1) of P together with fact first..
  • In step n, for n>0, let P(n) be the program P together with facts prev(x). for every x such that holds(x) was in M(n-1). Then, it computes a stable model M(n) of P(n) that is different to all M(m) for m<n if it exists, else it returns UNSATISFIABLE.


  • Option -c models=n sets to n the number of stable models to be computed (use 0 to computing all stable models until UNSATISFIABLE is returned, clingo option --models should not be used).
  • Option -c project=1 activates projection (clingo option --project has no effect).


The program must define some externals:

  • external first to represent the first step
  • externals prev(x) for each atom holds(x) that appears in P

Example: enumerating diverse stable models

  • Program diverse.lp:
% base part

2 { a(X) : dom(X) }.
#show a/1.

{ b(1) }.
#show b/1.
#project b/1.

  1@1,X: a(X), minimize=1;
  1@2,X: b(X), minimize=1

% multi part

% heuristics using prev
#heuristic a(X) :     prev(a(X)),         not first. [1,false]
#heuristic a(X) : not prev(a(X)), dom(X), not first. [1, true]

% holds/1 definition
holds(a(X)) :- a(X).

% externals
#external first.
#external prev(a(X)) : dom(X).
  • Execution (all models, projecting on b/1, no optimization):
$ clingo multiclingo.py diverse.lp -c models=0 -c project=1 -c minimize=0 --heuristic=Domain
clingo version 5.3.0
Reading from multiclingo.py ...
Call: 1
Answer: 1
a(1) a(2)
Call: 2
Answer: 1
a(3) a(4) b(1)

Models       : 2
Calls        : 3
Time         : 0.015s (Solving: 0.00s 1st Model: 0.00s Unsat: 0.00s)
CPU Time     : 0.016s
  • Execution (2 models, no projection, optimization):
$ clingo multiclingo.py diverse.lp -c models=2 -c project=0 -c minimize=1 --heuristic=Domain
clingo version 5.3.0
Reading from multiclingo.py ...
Call: 1
Answer: 1
a(1) a(2)
Optimization: 0 2
Call: 2
Answer: 1
a(3) a(4)
Optimization: 0 2

Models       : 2
  Optimum    : yes
Optimization : 0 2
Calls        : 2
Time         : 0.016s (Solving: 0.00s 1st Model: 0.00s Unsat: 0.00s)
CPU Time     : 0.016s