
🚄 Benchmark scripts, encodings and instances for train scheduling with clingo-dl

Primary LanguagePython

Train scheduling with clingoDL: Benchmarks


  • clingo-dl 1.0.0, available here
  • clingo 5.3.0, available here
  • python >= 3.6


  • encodings: Folder containing all ASPmDL encodings including optimization and heuristics
  • instances:
    • json: Instances in json format
    • asp: Instances in ASP facts
  • utils: Folder with solution converter and checker
  • solve_and_check: Script running and validating one instance
  • example: Tiny example instance


solve_and_check instance <config> <time limit> <max delay>

  • instance: ASP instance
  • config: Configuration of clingo-dl (optional)
  • time limit: Time limit for clingo-dl (optional)
  • max delay: Maximum delay that is allowed for each train at a node (optional)

Example call: ./solve_and_check.sh instances/asp/03_FWA_0.125.lp