This is the repo for two twitch modules. Below is a quick overview. More documentation can be found by clicking on the module directories.
To see all of the commands available, install and run:
Get-Command -Module tvbot, tvclient
Installation instructions can be found at tvclient and tvbot.
tvclient is a PowerShell client for the API.
Set your variables
$splat = @{
ClientId = "abcdefh01234567ijklmop"
Token = "01234567fghijklmnopqrs"
Set-TvConfig @splat
And run your commands
Get-TvFollower -Since LastStream
Get-TvUser -UserName potatoqualitee
Read more at tvclient.
tvbot is a pi-friendly PowerShell bot for that works on the Windows, Linux, and mac OS.
Set your variables
$splat = @{
BotClientId = "abcdefh01234567ijklmop"
BotToken = "01234567fghijklmnopqrs"
BotChannel = "potatoqualitee"
BotOwner = "potatoqualitee", "afriend"
Set-TvConfig @splat
And start your bot
Read more at tvbot.