
For convenience, I have put the test cases within the same file as the functions.

To run the code:

  1. Compile the TypeScript code with the --target flag set to es6:
    tsc --target es6 index.ts

  2. Run the compiled code:
    node index.js

The expected output:
[ 'ate', 'eat', 'tea' ] [ 'dog', 'do', 'god', 'goo', 'go', 'good' ]
[ 'oo', 'ooo' ]

(Optional) To run the js solution, simply run:
node js_solution.js

My solution consists 3 functions:

  1. findWords: the main function used to iterate over an input array and filter it using the canBeFormed function.
  2. canBeFormed: the helper function used by findWords to determine if a single word can be formed by rearranging the characters of another word.
  3. wordToMap: the helper function to create a map of character frequencies from an input string. For example, "food" to { f:1, o:2, d:1 }