- 0
- 0
- 0
Compatibility with future Go versions
#93 opened by carlocab - 1
If go get fails, gpm continues - it should fail
#87 opened by kjelle - 2
- 2
Unable to install plugins
#85 opened - 3
simplify installing non-head depdendencies
#67 opened by tcurdt - 3
git: You are not currently on a branch
#84 opened by xh3b4sd - 1
- 9
List of companies using gpm
#49 opened by pote - 3
gpm install crashes terminal
#51 opened by dahankzter - 3
installation fails if already installed in `src`
#66 opened by tcurdt - 6
I am currently using gpm in part of deployment
#81 opened by myusuf3 - 1
GPM support for Windows
#80 opened by Tank780 - 9
Consider adding GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT support
#79 opened by kardianos - 4
MinGW support
#39 opened by ivey - 2
Fatal errors installing non-root packages
#75 opened by jdb-vsn - 0
Rewrite test suite with BATS
#78 opened by pote - 8
How to set a svn address
#74 opened - 0
- 7
Easier installation and plugin management
#72 opened by pksunkara - 1
- 10
Dependency binaries not building?
#50 opened by leeola - 1
Path names are not escaped
#70 opened by oweidner - 3
Handle private repos out-of-the-box
#69 opened by parkr - 3
gpm in Dependencies?
#68 opened by leeola - 2
Installing dependencies
#58 opened by juanibiapina - 3
Consider a different name
#59 opened by robinbowes - 3
- 5
POSIX shell support
#56 opened by prydie - 2
Clone error when dependencies from the same repo
#54 opened by ash2k - 6
- 10
Git Updating: Branches vs. Tags/Commits
#37 opened by technosophos - 7
Extensions to the Godeps file format?
#42 opened by ligfx - 12
- 5
Dev vs Production Deps?
#45 opened by leeola - 3
Extensions to the Godeps file format?
#41 opened by ligfx - 1
- 15
- 5
Avoid race condition on SVN packages
#28 opened by pote - 5
generate Godeps
#29 opened by iwanbk - 1
Accept Godeps file parameter
#21 opened by pote - 2
Check integrity of Godeps file
#2 opened by pote - 1
Generate Godeps file
#18 opened by elcuervo - 1
Simplify JSON parsing
#10 opened by pote - 1
Add -h usage output.
#5 opened by pote - 1
Switch flags to commands
#12 opened by pote - 3
Add 'vendoring' functionality
#11 opened by pote - 1
Add Windows support
#7 opened by sebholstein - 10
Support other VCSs
#6 opened by pote