Jane is a command line client for the Philote websockets server, it's useful for debugging purposes or as a reference implementation.
$ jane -help
Usage of jane:
-c string
channel you want to connect to (default "test")
If passed, queries Philote for running info and exits
-p string
Philote server (default "localhost:6380")
-s string
Philote server's JWT secret used for authentication.
Will use wss and https instead of ws and http
-t string
Auth token, if you want to use a specific one
$ brew install pote/philote/jane
You can find precompiled binaries for your platform of choice in the latest release page.
You'll need gpm installed to manage dependencies.
$ git clone git@github.com:pote/jane.git && cd jane
$ make install
Released under MIT License, check LICENSE file for details.