Primary LanguageJavaScript


MPDS Bot is a Discord bot designed to respond to queries of MPDS codes and return the correspending meaning, utilizing slash commands.


  • Supports slash commands (/mpds code:QUERY_HERE)
  • Easy configuration and data management through a JSON file

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Setup and Configuration
  3. Running the Bot


Before setting up the bot, ensure you have the following installed:

Setup and Configuration

1. Clone the Repository

Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/potvinp/MPDS-Bot.git
cd MPDS-Bot

2. Install Dependencies

Install the required dependencies using npm:

npm install

3. Create a .env File

Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add your Discord bot token:


Replace your-bot-token-here with your actual Discord bot token. You can get the bot token from the Discord Developer Portal.

Running the Bot

To start the bot, run the following command in the project directory:

node index.js

The bot will log in and register the global slash command. Note that global slash commands can take up to an hour to propagate across all guilds.


Slash Command

Users can query the bot using the slash command:

/mpds code:example1

The bot will respond with the corresponding meaning from the data.json file.


For any issues or questions, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.