
Adds disk_size to info()'s output for your leveldown backed PouchDB's.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status Dependency Status devDependency Status

Adds disk_size to info()'s output for your *down backed PouchDB's.

Tested with leveldown, sqldown, jsondown, locket and medeadown. When it can't determine the database size, it falls back to the default info() output.


npm install pouchdb pouchdb-size
var PouchDB = require('pouchdb');

var db = new PouchDB('test');
db.info().then(function (resp) {
	//resp will contain disk_size


  • db.installSizeWrapper()

    wraps db.info() in such a way that it will include a disk_size property in its output for supported database backends.

  • db.getDiskSize([callback])

    like PouchDB, this method both returns a Promise and accepts a callback. Either returns an error or the disk size of the current db.