
A PouchDB plug-in that allows you to re-use your CouchDB validate_doc_update functions on the client side.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status Dependency Status devDependency Status

A PouchDB plug-in that allows you to re-use your CouchDB validate_doc_update functions on the client side.

A browser version is available.

First, make sure you understand how validation functions work in CouchDB. A good start is the CouchDB guide entry on validation functions.


First, you need to register the plug-in with PouchDB. That can be done using the PouchDB.plugin() function. In NodeJS, you can just pass in the result of the require() function. In the browser, you pass in the browser object name given above.

An example (using the list plug-in):

//NodeJS (and Browserify)

//Browser - after the JavaScript file containing the plug-in has been
//included via a script tag (or something similar).

All functions have two ways of returning the output to the user. One is a callback parameter, which should have the signature (err, resp). The other is the Promise all functions return. PouchDB itself uses the same system.

db.validatingPut(doc[, options[, callback]])

Exactly the same as the db.put function, but checks with all validation functions ('validate_doc_update') in all design documents of the current database if it is ok to save doc. In short, this method acts more like its CouchDB equivalent than the original PouchDB version does. The only thing you get to see of it is a few extra errors, i.e. of the 'unauthorized' or the 'forbidden' type. It also has a few extra options (defaults are shown):

  • secObj: e.g.:

       admins: {
          names: [],
          roles: []
       members: {
          names: [],
          roles: []
  • userCtx: e.g.:

       db: "test_db",
       name: "username",
       roles: [
  • checkHttp: Set this to true if you want to validate HTTP database documents offline too. Unnecessary for CouchDB, but handy for e.g. pouchdb-express-router, which doesn't validate itself.

db.validatingPost(doc[, options[, callback]])

See the db.validatingPut() function.

db.validatingRemove(doc[, options[, callback]])

See the db.validatingPut() function.

db.validatingBulkDocs(bulkDocs[, options[, callback]])

See the db.validatingPut() function. Returns an array, like db.bulkDocs(). The all_or_nothing attribute on bulkDocs is unsupported. Also, the result array might not be in the same order as the passed in documents.

db.validatingPutAttachment(docId, attachmentId, rev, attachment, type[, options[, callback]])

See the db.validatingPut() function. Output is the same as db.putAttachment() (except for a few extra errors being possible.)

db.validatingRemoveAttachment(docId, attachmentId, rev[, options[, callback]])

See the db.validatingPut() function. Output is the same as db.removeAttachment() (except for a few extra errors being possible.)


Installs the validation methods on this database. In other words, the db.* methods are replaced by their db.validating* counterparts. This method is always synchronous.

Throws: an error if the methods are already installed. Returns: nothing


Undoes what db.installValidationMethods did. This method is always synchronous.

Throws: an error if the methods aren't currently installed. Returns: nothing

