
Rails application to receive data from html form and send to email

Primary LanguageRuby

Madhav Contact

An app build in Rails to accept contact form data as API and sends mail to client.

Health Check

Check status of website https://paudelm.com.np/_health


Make a post request to https://paudelm.com.np/api/v1/contacts with data in following format:

    "contact": {
        "_email": "receiver@email.com",
        "_subject": "Subject to receive on email",
        "name": "Contacter name",
        "email": "sender@email.com",
        "subject": "Subject on HTML form",
        "website": "paudelm.com.np",
        "message": "Message"

This will forward data to receiver email address.

By this you can make static html form dynamic.