// ---------------------------------------------------
// Name: Poulomi Ganguly
// ID: 1598887
// CMPUT 275 , Winter 2020
// Weekly 4: Dynamic Hashing
// ---------------------------------------------------

Included Files:
    * exercise4.cpp
    * hashtable.h (modified)
    * linkedlist.h
    * Makefile
    * README
Running Instructions:
    1. In the correct directory, type in `make` to the terminal and then
    write ./exercise.o to execute the program
    2. Use the following letters followed by a space to do perform their
    respective functions:
        * I: Insert
        * R: Remove
        * Q: Query an item
        * S: Display number of items
        * STOP: exit the program
Changes to source code:

1. hashtable.h
    * Hashtable(): This constructor was added for when no argument is passed
    for a table size. It sets default table size as 10.
    * HashTable(unsigned int tableSize): Modified to abort the program if
    specified table size is not a positive, non-zero number.
    * insert(const T& item): Modified to check whether number of items has
    increased past the number of buckets or if its too little according to the
    specified conditions. Resizes the table accordingly by calling resize()
    * remove(const T& item): Same modification as insert()
    * newBucket(const T& item, unsigned int newSize): Added in, gets the new
    bucket according to a size that is different from tableSize.
    * resize(unsigned int newSize): Added in, resizes a table according to
    specified parameters. 

    * Program is executed in the correct directory with Makefile present.