
Allows you to input a given file in the command line to extract graph data and returns the number of components in it

Primary LanguageC++

Included Files:
    * graph_concepts.cpp
    * digraph.cpp
    * digraph.h
    * edmonton-roads-2.0.1.txt
    * Makefile
    * README
Running Instructions:

    1. In the correct directory, type in `make` to the terminal and then
    write ./exercise.o followed by desired file,(edmonton-roads-2.0.1.txt in this case)
    to execute the program
Function description:

    * int count_components(Digraph* g): Counts components in given graph (MODIFIED)
    * Digraph* read_city_graph_undirected(char filename[]): Reads given file input 
    and makes a graph accordingly (MODIFIED)
    * split(): used in previous function to split a given string and return a vector

    * Program is executed in the correct directory with Makefile present.
    * Provided file has information in correct format.

    * https://stackoverflow.com/a/10861816: How to use sstream to
    split a string with delimiter.

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