
A glorified dot files

Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

The Glorious Dotfiles

There's no place like ~ !

Fork it. Steal it. I don't care. Just don't make it ugly.

Table of Contents





  • Notification Center
  • Dynamic Wallpaper
  • Web Search
  • Application Dashboard
  • Brightness and Volume OSDs
  • Functional Trash Widget
  • Built-in Screen Recorder Widget
  • Lockscreen Module with Face Captureyep. this is overkill

Yep, I designed this setup to get rid of desktop environment.


Temporarily, this repo will only contain the Floppy setup because I will be rewriting/replacing the other ones. Though, you can still found/clone the other setups here.


While the rewrite of the other setups are not finished, the old screenshots can be found in the wiki.


Required Dependencies

Name Description Why/Where is it needed?
awesome-git Highly configurable framework window manager isn't it obvious?
rofi-git Window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement Application launcher
tryone144's picom A compositor for X11 a compositor with kawase-blur

Optional Dependencies

Dependencies needed to achieve the setup's full potential. These are optional.

Name Description Will be used by
xbacklight RandR-based backlight control application Brightness widget and OSD
alsa-utils An alternative implementation of Linux sound support Volume widget and OSD
acpi,acpid,acpi_call Show battery status and other ACPI info Power/Battery Widgets. No need for this if you're not using a laptop
mpd Server-side application for playing music Music widget
mpc Minimalist command line interface to MPD Music widget
maim Takes screenshots (improved scrot) Screenshot keybinding
feh Image viewer and wallpaper setter Screenshot previews, wallpapers
xclip Command line interface to the X11 clipboard Will be used in saving the screenshots to clipboard
xprop Property displayer for X Custom titlebars for each client
imagemagick An image viewing/manipulation program Music widget/Extracts hardcoded album cover from songs
blueman Manages bluetooth default launch application for bluetooth widget
xfce4-power-manager Manages power default launch application for battery widget
upower upower - UPower command line tool Battery widget
xdg_menu or awesome-freedesktop Generates a list of installed applications Menu Module/Useful for generating app list
noto-fonts-emoji Google Noto emoji fonts Emoji support for notification center
jq Command-line JSON processor Read weather

Recommended Packages

  • Terminal emulators: kitty, urxvt
  • Web Browser: firefox with custom css. You can find css themes here r/FirefoxCSS and here r/unixporn.
  • File Manager: nemo
  • Editors: vim, neovim, or sublime text with some plugins
  • Launchers: rofi
  • Music Player: ncmpcpp, mpd and mpc combination or lollypop

Recommended Fonts

Getting started

How to install the setup?

  1. Install the AwesomeWM git master branch. So if you're using the stable version or if you don't have AwesomeWM installed, install it now. Assuming you're using the elevated one - Arch Linux, you can install it by using an AUR helper. In this example let's use yay

    $ yay -Syu awesome-git --removemake

    Note that you can also build it yourself. Clone the repository then follow the instructions there.

  2. Install the dependecies. You don't have to install it all, it's your choice after all. The only required packages are these. You can change all the applications used in the setup with your preference.

  3. If you have a current awesome configuration, make sure to create a backup in case of emergency.

  4. Clone my repo:

    $ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/manilarome/Glorious-Dotfiles/
  5. Just copy the Glorious-Dotfiles/config/awesome folder to your $HOME/.config/.

  6. Reload AwesomeWM by pressing mod + shift + r.

Errors on start-up!

Are you using the git master branch of AwesomeWM? No? Follow the instructions here.

Fix the font?


The setup uses the SF Pro Text font of Apple. You need to install it or you can just use your preferred font family.

Recommended font installation:

  1. If you're using Archlinux, you can find it in the AUR.
$ yay -S otf-san-francisco-pro
  • Don't have Arch?aww you poor little soul

    • You can download the SF Pro font from Apple's website. The file extension should be .dmg.

    • Go to your Downloads directory.

       $ cd $HOME\Downloads
    • Then execute the following commands. We will use 7z to extract the fonts:

       $ 7z x SF-Font-Pro.dmg
       $ 7z x SanFranciscoPro/San\ Francisco\ Pro.pkg
       $ 7z x "Payload~"
    • The fonts are now extracted and it has a .OTF file extension. You can find it in the Library/Fonts folder in the same Downloads directory. Now, copy/move it to:

    User only: $HOME/.local/share/fonts/apple/
    System wide: /usr/share/fonts/apple/

    Create the folder if it doesn't exist.

  1. Reload mod + ctrl + r

Optional: Set it as your system font using lxappearance or something . I think you can also change your system font by editing some of your gtk dotfiles. You can also follow the instructions here to make your font rendering better.

Rofi Application Menu is too small/big!

The rofi is configured to work zin a 1366x768 resolution laptop so it will not work out of the box in a monitor with a larger/smaller resolution. To fix that:

  1. Open awesome/configuration/rofi/appmenu/rofi.rasi
  2. In the window {} block, change the height and width.
  • Tips:

    • The top panel has 28px height, so $(YOUR_SCREEN_HEIGHT) - 28 = ROFI_HEIGHT.
    • While the left panel has 45px width, so $(YOUR_SCREEN_WIDTH) - 45 = ROFI_WIDTH.
    • It is also advisable to alter the values of padding in the mainbox {} and element {} block.
  • Note:

    • Both rofi configuration will open only in your PRIMARY screen. You can change that by changing the monitor value in the configuration {} block. More info in man rofi.

Use the Powerleve10k ZSH theme?

  1. Check the $SHELL you're using right now.
$ echo $SHELL

The output should be /usr/bin/zsh.

  1. Not using ZSH? Well, it's a requirement. So to achieve the glory of Powerlevel10k you have to install it first. Assuming you're using the best distro in the universe, Arch Linux(i'm not joking), you can install it by:
# Update your system then install zsh
$ pacman -Syu zsh
  1. Change your $SHELL from whatever you're using right now to ZSH.
# User
$ chsh -s $(which zsh)

# System-wide
$ sudo chsh -s $(which zsh)
  1. Now, install oh-my-zsh:
# via curl
$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"

# via wget
$ sh -c "$(wget https://raw.github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh -O -)"
  1. Download the recommended font here. Optional but highly recommended. If you don't want to install the font, skip to instruction #8.

  2. Install the font by copying it to:

# User only
cp FONTNAME.TTF $HOME/.local/share/fonts/TTF/

# System-wide
cp FONTNAME.TTF /usr/share/fonts/TTF/

If the folder doesn't exist, create it.

  1. Change your terminal font to MesloLGS NF.

  2. Install the Powerlevel10k theme

$ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k.git $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/powerlevel10k
  1. Open ~/.zshrc with your editor
$ $EDITOR $HOME/.zshrc
  1. Find the line ZSH_THEME=robbyrussell it's not easy to miss. Then change it to ZSH_THEME=powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.

  2. Open your terminal. There should be some instructions/dialog there that will greet you and will guide you to theme your Powerlevel10k prompt.

  3. More info about Powerlevel10k here.

Basic File Structure

  • Configuration contains the keybindings, client rules, tags, rofi and picom configuration, startup applications, credentials storage, and tag-list.
  • Layout hold the disposition of the widgets, panels and sidebars.
  • Module contains all the standalone extra modular features available. You can disable/enable them without causing errors.
  • Theme holds all the aesthetic aspects like colors, fonts, and beautiful configuration. It also contains the wallpapers and icons.
  • Widget contains all the widgets and its configurations.
  • Binaries contains all the binaries needed for a certain task.

Configuration and Preferences

  • Configure theme's colors/aesthetic?

    Awesome WM uses the beautiful library to beautify your setup.

    Change the values here:

    • awesome/theme/default-theme.lua
    • awesome/theme/theme-name/init.lua
  • Configure Panels and bars?

    The panels and sidebars are located in:

    • awesome/layout/
    • awesome/widget/right-dashboard/

    Top panel location:

    • awesome/layout/top-panel.lua

    Left panel location:

    • awesome/layout/left-panel/init.lua

    Right/Notificaton panel location:

    • awesome/widget/right-dashboard/right-panel.lua

    The right/notification panel is optional, you can remove it from the top panel.

  • Configure Start-up and default applications

    You can change the applications here:

    • awesome/configuration/apps.lua
  • Configure Keybindings?

    You can check keybinds by pressing mod + F1.

    Client keybindings:

    • awesome/configuration/client/keys.lua

    Global keybindings:

    • awesome/configuration/keys/global.lua
  • Configure client rules?

    The client rules manages the behaviour of the client. Is it floating? Is it above the other clients? Is it under the other clients, perhaps? What tag will the client spawn?

    Client rules:

    • awesome/configuration/client/rules.lua
  • Configure client tags?

    Tags are the "workspaces". Terminal, web browsers, text editors are few of the tags used here.

    Client tags:

    • awesome/configuration/tags/init.lua
  • Configure the compositor?

    The compositor we are using is tryone144's picom feature/dual_kawase branch that provides the kawase blur shader. It gives the beautifulbeauty is subjective blur effect.

    Compositor configuration file:

    • awesome/configuration/picom.conf
  • Configure rofi?

    What is rofi? Rofi is a window switcher, application launcher, ssh dialog and dmenu replacement

    Rofi location:

    • awesome/configuration/rofi/

    We will use two rofi configuration. One is for application launcher and the second one is for web searching.

    Rofi Application Launcher:

    • awesome/configuration/rofi/appmenu/rofi.rasi

    Rofi Web Search:

    • awesome/configuration/rofi/sidebar/rofi.rasi

    Rofi Web Search History file:

    • awesome/configuration/rofi/sidebar/history.txt
  • Weather and Email Credentials

    You can put your credentials in the awesome/secrets.lua file. Notes:

    • Your credentials are exposed.
    • It is better to encrypt it by using GnuPG, for example.

About Widgets and Modules


  • Weather Widget

    How to get a credentials for weather widget?

    • OpenWeatherMap is our weather provider. So go to OpenWeatherMap's website.

    • Register, log-in, and then go here to generate your very own API keys.

    • Put your credentials in awesome/secrets.lua.

    • Depends: jq


  • Email Widget

    How to get a valid credentials for email widget?

    The widget uses an IMAP. So it means that any email service provider that provides an IMAP support is supported by the widget.

    • You need an email_address.
    • You must generate an app password for your account. Your account password WILL NOT WORK! An App Password is required!
    • Just search the instrucion in the internet on how to generate an App Password for your email account.sorry i don't have an internet connection while typing this.
      • For example Create an app password for gmail account.
    • You need an imap_server.
      • Just get your email service provider's imap server. Gmail's imap server is imap.gmail.com. You can search it in the internet.
    • Provide the port. Again, you can just search it in the internet. Gmail's port is 993.
    • Put your credentials in awesome/secrets.lua.


  • Calculator Widget

    The calculator widget is the result of my boredom.

    • Supports:

      • Basic math operations
      • Keyboard support
    • Tips: Enable keyboard support by hovering your mouse above the calculator. Or toggle it on/off by pressing the keyboard button. Only numbers, arithmetic operators, and decimal point is accepted.

    • Keyboard Binding:

      • = and Return to evaluate.
      • BackSpace to delete the last digit.
      • Escape to clear the screen.
      • x stops the keygrabbing.
    • Note:

      • While in keygrabbing mode, your keyboard's focus will be on the calculator. So you're AwesomeWM keybinding will stop working.temporarily of course.
    • Stopping the keygrabbing mode:

      • Move away your cursor from the calculator.
      • Toggle it off using the keyboard button.
      • Press x.


  • Trash Widget

    The trash widget..well errm.. is actually useful. It monitors your trash directory using the AwesomeWM's awful.spawn.with_line_callback() and gio monitor trash:///, then updates the icon if there is changes.

    • Tip: Right-click to show the menu.
  • Dynamic Wallpaper Module

    Another fruit of my boredom.

    • Note:
      • The wallpapers are in awesome/theme/wallpapers/
      • It has a four scheduled time:
        • morning, noon, night, midnight
      • Right now, it only searches for *.jpg image format. You can change it by editing the wallpaper name in the awesome/module/dynamic-wallpaper.lua


  • Lockscreen Module

    Inspired by elenapan's lockscreen module.

    • Depends:

      • ffmpeg
    • Features:

      • Using ffmpeg, it captures a picture using your webcam if the password is wrong. (Enabled by default)
        • Will store the images to $HOME/Pictures/Intruder/ folder.
    • Background modes

      • blur blurred background using imagemagick's convert. (default, integrated with dynamic-wallpaper module)
      • root use the root background as the lockscreen's background image.
      • background use the beautiful.background as the background image.
    • Note:

      • The default password is toor and it's in configuration/secrets.lua .
      • Integrated with the user-profile widget to get the profile picture.
      • You can also set your picture manually.
  • Music Widget

    • Depends:

      • mpd, mpc
    • Optional Depends:

      • music file with metadata
      • music file with hardcoded album cover

    It is better if you have a music file with metadata.


  • Screen Recorder Widget

    This is actually useful for basic screen recording.

    • Depends: ffmpeg

    • Features:

      • You can toggle microphone on and off.
      • Change the settings on the main widget.
    • Note:

      • You can change the default settings in awesome/widget/screen-recorder/screen-recorder-config.lua
  • Backdrop Module

    This module is developed by PapyElGringo for his material-awesome. This module adds a backdrop blur to the dialogs and modals. You can disable it by setting the drawBackdrop to false in the awesome/configuration/client/rules.lua

  • Menu Module

    Yes, this is somewhat useless when we're using a window tiling managers, buuut... AwesomeWM is not a window tiling manager. It's a framework! And it handles floating clients pretty well. Sooo...

    • Depends:

    • xdg-menu needs a manual intervention. More info here

    • awesome-freedesktop will populate the menu for you. More info here



Anti-aliasing is pretty doable, but it requires a hackish way to do it. The code is ugly and unmaintainable(yeah just like my code), so I did not implement it. This is explained better in elenapan's documentation.

Anti-aliasing can be applied to any wibox by making its background color transparent and putting all its items in a shaped container with the desired background color.

So it means we have to add more than one titlebar around the client with transparent background then put a shaped container inside it to act as the titlebar's background.

  • Here is an example of an anti-aliased titlebar:

     -- A titlebar with a color of #00000000, a black color with full transparency.
     awful.titlebar(c, {position = 'left', size = title_bar_size, bg = "#00000000"}) : setup {
     			awful.titlebar.widget.closebutton    (c),
     			awful.titlebar.widget.minimizebutton (c),
     			layout  = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical
     			buttons = buttons,
     			layout  = wibox.layout.flex.vertical
     			awful.titlebar.widget.floatingbutton (c),
     			layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical
     		layout = wibox.layout.align.vertical,
     	-- Purple color, this will act as the titlebar's background color.
     	bg = "#ff00ff",
     	-- This is the anti-aliased shaped container that will have the purple color and will act as the titlebar's background with 9 as the corner radius.
     	shape = function(cr, width, height)
     		gears.shape.partially_rounded_rect(cr, width, height, true, false, false, true, 9) 
     	widget = wibox.container.background


  • Multi-monitor support
  • Scrollable Notification Centersend help
  • Adjust picom's blur strength using a slider
  • Extend the screen recorder widget's functionality
  • Refactor for cleaner code

Having a problem?

Having a problem, errors, bugs, suggestions? Just open an issue here.


  • PapyElGringo for the inspiration. I was inspired by his marterial-awesome to start ricing again. material-awesome is one of the most functional and beautifulat the same time rice I have ever seen.
  • elenapan, addyfe for the inspiration.
  • pdonadeo for the Rofi Web Search script.
  • Also thanks to the and developers of AwesomeWM and to the contributors in my repo. Haha!

A counter that will boost my ego
