spudplayer GGP Agent This is the main project of the agent created as part of the Undergraduate dissertation of Jonathan Poulter (reg: 070172258) at Sheffield University. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anatomy of the Project: FOLDER USAGE PROJECT doc/ JavaDoc details for the spudplayer spudplayer packages games/ storage of gamedata and rulesets GGPBase from GGP servers for Kiosk and Server lib/ the libraries (other than GGPBase) spudplayer which are used by spudplayer licences/ licences necessary for GGPBase GGPBase scripts/ useful scripts for various tasks spudplayer (running tournaments or HPC cluster jobs) src/ main GGPBase source GGPBase src_cust/ spudplayer source spudplayer test/ source code and games spudplayer for unit tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building the Project: Prerequisites: JDK6 http://goo.gl/GYNS5 Apache ANT http://ant.apache.org/ - Running the command "ant build" in the root directory will build the code from source ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running the Project: The ANT build file can also run parts of the project COMMAND ACTION ant AlphaBetaPlayer Launch the ANN guided on port 4003 ant Kiosk Launch the GGPBase interactive Kiosk ant PlayerPanel Launch the GGPBase Player UI ant ServerPanel Launch the GGPBase Server UI ant NeuralPlayer Launch spudplayer on port 4001 ant UCTPlayer Launch pure UCT player on port 4002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Information: scripts/iceberg-jobs contains scripts for launching jobs onto the Sun HPC and running batch performance testing jobs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note about GGP-Base: The project contains the entire source of the project GGP-Base a GGP framework constructed by Sam Schreiber and editted somewhat by the author of this project. Later iterations of this may simply package GGP-Base but as Sam has chosen to distribute the project as source and not packaged, it remains in source for easy editting.